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Changes to Google Storage at NAU
Creating a new Shared Google Drive
Users can request a Google Shared Drive by submitting a Shared Drive Request. With Google’s new policies regarding storage for higher education institutions in place, all NAU Shared Drives will have a 100GB ceiling on storage.

As Google announced the discontinuation of unlimited storage for higher education, NAU has navigated and adapted to this change and will proceed to offer Google applications to the NAU Community with a 25-gigabyte cap on storage across Google’s services.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is this happening? Accordion Closed
Until now, Google allowed educational institutions unlimited data for their users, meaning any academic, or school-affiliated Google Account would be able to store an unlimited amount of files without a cap on storage.
However, Google recently announced the discontinuation of unlimited storage for academic-facilitated Google Accounts and is now charging institutions to buy an allotment of total storage for their university or institution. NAU has made the decision to procure an allotment of storage to stay within the Google infrastructure and continue to provide the G-Suite applications to the NAU Community, with a 25-gigabyte cap on storage.
How will this affect me? Accordion Closed
The 25-gigabyte storage cap will go into effect on February 1st, 2023 on all NAU-affiliated Google accounts. This includes all students, faculty, and staff.
If you’re currently using less than 25 gigabytes on your NAU Google account, you won’t need to do anything at this time. However, it is essential that you consistently monitor your storage usage.
Note: you must be signed into your NAU Google Account while using the link above.
If you are over the 25-gigabyte cap; you will need to delete or move files to an alternate storage provider to avoid losing the functionality of your NAU Google account.
How will my shared drive be impacted? Accordion Closed
Beginning January 23rd of 2023, all NAU Google Shared Drives will have a default storage cap of 100 GB.
What other options do I have for storage? Accordion Closed
All NAU students, faculty, and staff have access to up to 1TB (1,000 gigabytes) of free storage in Microsoft OneDrive. To learn more about Microsoft OneDrive, visit ITS’ knowledge base article on how to download and use Microsoft 365, which includes OneDrive.
For a complete list of available storage offerings, visit ITS’ File Sharing and Storage page, where you can view what storage services are available to you by your affiliation (students, faculty, staff).
What if I need more storage than 25 Gb in my Google Account? Accordion Closed
If you feel that your work at NAU is contingent on a larger storage allocation; you can submit a request for a higher storage cap, which will be approved on a case-by-case basis and will raise an individual’s storage cap to 100 GB.
How do I check how much Google storage I’m using? Accordion Closed
Your Google storage will be displayed in your Google Drive and Gmail homepages’ lower left column. You can also check your Google storage usage by visiting
What happens if I exceed my storage cap? Accordion Closed
If you exceed your storage usage or are above 25 gigabytes in your NAU Google account by February 1st, the following will occur:
- Users will not be able to upload files or images to Google Drive.
- Users will not be able able to create or edit files in collaborative content apps such as Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms, and Jamboard. NOTE: Other Google users will not be able to edit a collaborative document owned by a user over their storage cap until the owner of the file reduces their storage.
- Users won’t be able to back up photos and videos in Google Photos.
- Users won’t be able to record meetings in Google Meet.
Users over the storage cap will still be able to log in to their NAU Google account, view and download files, as well as send and receive emails.
Will Google provide me with tools to help me transfer my files? Accordion Closed
Yes, Google is providing users a tool called ‘Takeout’, that will allow users to easily transfer data to an alternate Google Account. You will need a personal Google Account to transfer your files over to.
Use Google’s Takeout Tool
Note: When using Google’s Takeout tool, you must be signed in to your NAU Google Account.
How will this affect me as an alumnus? Accordion Closed
All alumni NAU Google Accounts will also have the 25-gigabyte storage cap in place on their account. For assistance logging into your NAU Google Account, visit our NAU Google Account website, and navigate to the ‘alumni’ section.
Communications regarding this change
Communications to the campus community will be archived here for reference.
*as the changes to Google’s policy went into effect on Jan. 1st, the storage quota will be enforced on Feb. 1st, 2023.
If you are over the 25 Gb cap, you may receive additional emails from ITS showing your current use and instructing you to lower your storage.