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Cloud Computing at NAU
What is Cloud Computing?

Simply put, cloud computing is a model of computing that offloads compute processes such as servers, data storage, networking, software, analytics, and more into the internet, or ‘cloud’. This streamlines workflow while reducing costs, and boosting efficiency.
What is Azure?
Azure is Microsoft’s cloud computing platform which consists of over 200 cloud services and products. To learn more about Azure from Microsoft, visit Microsoft’s ‘What is Azure?’ page.
What are the Benefits of Azure Cloud Computing?
Cloud computing offers many benefits to ITS and the university as a whole. Click on a tab to learn more about the benefits of cloud computing and Azure at NAU.
Promoting Innovation Accordion Closed
Cloud computing promotes innovation and new ideas by facilitating an environment that fosters accessibility of experimentation and innovation within the cloud platform.
Storage Flexibility Accordion Closed
Cloud computing allows flexibility with data storage and databases. As NAU creates more and more data, cloud storage is a crucial asset for managing the influx of data. Microsoft provides many tools in this area, such as Virtual Machines, managed databases, and long-term affordable storage offerings.
Flex Computing Capacity Accordion Closed
Freedom and flexibility of computing capacities. Cloud computing offers smart-priority deployment of computing resources based on active demand and cyclical patterns. This also provides ITS with analytics in usage, and how to better optimize resources to maximize efficiency.
Industry-Grade Cybersecurity Accordion Closed
Embedding State-of-the-art security infrastructure into our services, Azure exhibits secure IAM capabilities with an active directory to ensure the proper users have permission to access the correct data. This also reduces the costs of identity management services.
Staff Efficiency Accordion Closed
Increasing staff efficiency and effectiveness by shifting duties of key staff from direct maintenance on systems to focusing on innovating and optimizing cloud technologies to expand our capabilities.
Secure Network Capabilities Accordion Closed
Baselining secure networking capabilities by providing a standard of encryption of all data sent through the Azure environment. Azure’s network is equipped with automatic detection, preventing DDoS attacks.
Promoting Remote Work Accordion Closed
The ability to provide education, research resources, and employment opportunities no matter where you are located is integral to meeting the university’s mission. The CIA team assists in providing access to university resources no matter where in the world you work from by leveraging the Azure cloud platform.
How Much Does Azure Cost?
Azure can reduce and streamline many business processes and costs, for the university. Pricing for Azure is dynamic based on what processes and items services are being utilized. Microsoft has an interactive cost calculator that gives an estimate of cost based on services procured. Visit Azure’s Pricing Calculator.
Contact the Cloud Computing Team
You can contact the cloud computing team via a Cloud Computing Request, or by emailing