Contact ITS Support
Know the rules
All NAU employees and students should read and be familiar with the Appropriate Use of IT Resources policy. Information Technology Policy ManualService access after leaving NAU
Information for NAU Alumni and faculty emeritus
While you will have access to some NAU services, others you will eventually lose.
Services you will have access to: Accordion Closed
- Gmail
- Students keep their NAU Gmail account and access to G Suite.
- Cline Library Online Resources
- Emeritus faculty will retain these resources.
Services you will lose access to: Accordion Closed
- Cline Library Online Resources
- NAU graduating students, staff retirees, and non-emeritus faculty leaving the University will lose access to Cline Library resources.
- Access to the VPN is removed immediately for graduating students and faculty leaving the University.
- NAU Computer Labs, vDesk, DANA
- Access to NAU Computer labs and vDesk are generally maintained for up to 240 days after leaving the University. DANA access is immediately removed.
- Microsoft 365/Windows Products
Have other questions? Contact the Student Technology Center (students) or the ITS Service Desk (faculty/staff).