Visit Us
You can find the Lumberjack CARE Center connected to Sechrist Hall on the Flagstaff Mountain Campus.
CARE Center
Lumberjack CARE Center
Creating seamless pathways to success.
Many students encounter difficulties during college, whether due to academic or personal challenges. The struggle can be as simple as knowing who to talk to, where to go to get help, or simply getting their questions answered.
The Lumberjack Case Management, Advocacy, Resources, & Essential Needs Center addresses concerns such as food insecurity, financial needs, and wellness. By collaborating with on-campus and community partners, we refer students to supportive services that best meet their needs.
I’m looking for help with:
Family resources
Food resources
Course Materials
Learn more about our services:
Case Management Accordion Open
We are not counseling or therapy – rather our team works to develop helping relationships with students in distress to identify the heart of the issue, coach towards appropriate resources, and help the student develop an action plan. We offer continuity, accountability, and supportive follow-up to empower students towards self-care and self-advocacy.
Learn more at
Advocacy Accordion Closed
Visit the Need to miss a class? webpage for helpful information.
Resources Accordion Closed
Our team engages parents, family members, and students in university life. If you are a parent or family member of a Northern Arizona University student, we would like to welcome you to the university community. We are proud to partner with you to ensure your student’s success.
- Explore the 2022-2023 Family Calendar for upcoming events and important dates!
- Join the Lumberjack Family Hub to access important NAU news and deadlines and to receive newsletters and announcements as you to support your student’s success
- Learn more about Family Weekend
Essential Needs Accordion Closed
The Lumberjack CARE Center works to connect each NAU student with resources to help meet their essential needs.
Jacks Care 24/7
Jacks Care 24/7 offers students free emergency and ongoing short-term counseling support via text, chat, and phone/video by downloading the app or by calling (928) 523-2261. Learn more about Jacks Care 24/7