Reinstatement Appeal Form This form is used when returning to the University after academic suspension. Reinstatement Appeal Form Name * Required First Last NAU Email Address * Required Please note: Due to FERPA restrictions and privacy laws, we are legally obligated to use only your NAU email account.If you do not know your NAU email address, please visit our Password Change Form to find your NAU ID and reset your password. These two pieces of information will let you log into, where you can access your NAU email!Student ID Phone * RequiredPreferred Notification * RequiredChoose which method of notification you prefer Email to my NAU email Letter to my mailing address below Address * Required Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code By choosing electronic notification, you accept responsibility for any unauthorized access of the email notification.The term and year you were Paused from NAUTerm * RequiredFallSpringSummerYear * Required The term and year you want to return to NAU:Term * RequiredFallSpringSummerYear * Required Your intended major upon return to NAU: * RequiredIntended major: Your intended Campus upon return to NAU: * RequiredFlagstaff CampusOnline and Community CampusesAre you an international student? * Required Yes No Option 1: You are taking or have completed at least 12 academic semester units (after pause). Complete the form below. Attach an unofficial transcript, grade report, or class schedule to verify the courses. Grades for these courses must be posted or verified prior to the start of the term/session that you are intending to return. College/University * Required Term * Required Year * Required Completed * Required In Progress * Required Attach course verification:Max. file size: 20 MB.2nd College/University Term Year Completed In Progress Attach course verification:Max. file size: 20 MB.Option 2 Option 2: You encountered extenuating circumstances that prevented you from being successful at NAU. Explain the situation (including dates and a timeline). Documentation MUST be provided with petition. See Extenuating Circumstances Documentation Guideline for specific documentation requirements. Petitions without documentation will be denied. Please explain : * RequiredAttach DocumentationMax. file size: 20 MB. Option 3: You have been absent from NAU at least 36 consecutive months and meet the criteria for Academic Renewal. After clicking submit below, please meet with your advisor to complete the Academic Renewal Form. The term(s) and year(s) that you wish to have all grades removed: * Required Attach Academic Renewal FormMax. file size: 20 MB.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.