Accessing a FERPA Release in the Lumberjack Family Hub
The presence of an RA6 Service Indicator is the first step in confirming a student has a FERPA Release on their account.
Navigating to the Lumberjack Family Hub is the current process for viewing student record information a student has approved for release.
What is FERPA? Accordion Closed
FERPA (The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act), sets forth requirements regarding the privacy of student records and affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. FERPA applies to those institutions that receive funding from the Department of Education and guarantees students three primary rights: to inspect and review their education records; to seek to amend education records; and to exercise some control over the disclosure of information from those education records.
Education records are those records which are directly related to a student and maintained by Northern Arizona University or by a person or authorized agent acting for Northern Arizona University, which include any information or data recorded in any medium, including, but not limited to handwriting, print, tapes, film, microfilm, and microfiche.
Accessing the FERPA Release via Salesforce Accordion Closed
For a complete walk through, please view the User Guide.
Follow all of the steps in the overview below to determine if a student has released information in the Lumberjack Family Hub:
- Log into Salesforce
- Search for the student
- Viewing the section titled “FERPA and release of information authorized”
- A green check mark will indicate a FERPA release on file as either RA6 (all records may be discussed with the individual) or RA6 Com (only information approved by the student in The Lumberjack Family Hub may be released)
- Click on the link to the Lumberjack Family Hub
- Search for the student
- Enter the PIN provided by the requestor
- View approved items
If there is no RA6 service indicator then the student has not approved the release of their information.
Accessing the FERPA Release via PeopleSoft Accordion Closed
For a complete walk through, please view the User Guide
Follow all of the steps in the overview below to determine if a student has released information in the Lumberjack Family Hub:
- Log in
- Navigate to “Manage Service Indicators” (with proper security access)
- Search for the student
- View the service indicator code (RA6) and the “Reason Description”
- The reason description will indicate a FERPA release on file as Registrar’s Office (all records may be discussed with the individual) or FERPA data exists in Campus ESP (only information approved by the student in The Lumberjack Family Hub may be released)
- You may access The Lumberjack Family Hub by clicking on the RA6 link
- Click the link in the description to log into the Lumberjack Family Hub
- Search for the student
- Enter the PIN provided by the requestor
- View approved items
If there is no RA6 service indicator then the student has not approved the release of their information.
Troubleshooting Accordion Closed
Please email if there are any issues, for you or the individual you are working with, accessing or viewing the content and connections in the Lumberjack Family Hub.
Will every RA6 Service Indicator have a link to the Lumberjack Family Hub? Accordion Closed
No, FERPA Releases on file prior to the Lumberjack Family Hub remain active and all records may be discussed with the individual.
However, if both RA6 Service Indicators are present, only the Lumberjack Family Hub Service Indicator is valid.
Please see the difference in the chart below:
RA6 | Release of Information on File | Registrar’s Office |
RA6 | Release of Information on File | FERPA data exists in CampusESP |
Directory Information Accordion Closed
If the student has not restricted access to “directory” (or public) information, you may release the following:
- Name
- Address (local and permanent)
- University E-mail address
- Telephone number
- Major field of study
- Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
- Weight and height of members of athletic teams
- Dates of attendance (enrollment verification)
- Enrollment status (undergraduate or graduate, freshman, etc., full-time or part-time)
- Degrees, honors, and awards received
- Institution most recently previously attended
Additionally, you may share university processes and procedures, as well as web content, that is public information.
Sharing Information Accordion Closed
You may share university processes and procedures, as well as web content, that is public information with a third party. If Personally Identifiable Information is requested, please direct the requestor to the Lumberjack Family Hub to obtain a FERPA Release.
Interoffice sharing of Personally Identifiable Information must be through an approved modality and adhere to NAU’s Data Classification and Handling Policy.
Restricted Information Accordion Closed
Do Not Release Without the Student’s Written Authorization (*Can be found in The Lumberjack Family Hub):
- Student ID number
- Student ID Photo
- Grades*/Exam Scores
- Grade Point Average*
- Social Security Number
- Parent Address/Phone
- Detail of Registration Information (i.e., courses, times)*
- Race, Ethnicity, or Nationality
- Gender
- Total Credits*
- Number of Credits Enrolled in a term
- Emergency Contact
Grading Information Accordion Closed
The public posting of grades either by the student’s name, student ID number, or social security number without the student’s written permission is a violation of FERPA. This includes the posting of grades to a class/institutional website and applies to any public posting of grades in hallways and in departmental offices for all students including those taking distance education courses. This includes leaving graded materials in hallways.
If an instructor wants to post grades, then a system needs to be put in place that ensures FERPA requirements are met. The instructor may also obtain the student’s written permission or use code words or randomly assigned numbers that only the instructor and individual student know.
Notification of grades via e-mail is in violation of FERPA. There is no guarantee of confidentiality on the Internet. The institution would be held responsible if an unauthorized third party gained access, in any manner, to a student’s education record through any electronic transmission method.