Welcome to NAUPD
It is the mission of the Northern Arizona University Police Department to further the university’s vision of providing an outstanding undergraduate, residential education by fostering a safe, healthy environment through quality law enforcement services and community problem solving partnerships.
The guiding principles of our mission are:
- Open and honest communication
- Continual training for all involved
- Appreciation of the diverse nature of our community
Law Enforcement Authority
According to Arizona Revised Statutes, the Arizona Board of Regents and the president of the Northern Arizona University are empowered to organize, provide for, and operate a police department for the Northern Arizona University (NAU).
NAU police officers are certified by the Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board (AZPOST) and have the same duties and responsibilities as any peace officer in the State of Arizona. All police officers in the State of Arizona, including NAU police officers, have the authority to enforce state and federal laws within the limits imposed by the state and federal constitutions and judicial rulings.
Law Enforcement Jurisdiction
The Northern Arizona University Police Department has primary jurisdictional responsibility for all law enforcement matters occurring within the university’s campus boundaries and other properties utilized by the university within the City of Flagstaff.
Northern Arizona University also maintains an Inter-agency Law Enforcement Agreement with the Flagstaff Police Department, Coconino County Sheriff’s Department, and Arizona Department of Public Safety for the purpose of obtaining “maximum efficiency in cooperative law enforcement operations through mutual aid and assistance within each party’s jurisdiction….”
Community Policing
The Northern Arizona University Police Department (NAUPD) is deeply committed to the philosophy of community policing. We have chosen community policing as the method that we use to manage our agency and provide service to our campus community.
Community policing consists of two core components, problem solving and community partnerships. Within the problem solving process we work closely with the community to clearly identify the underlying causes of crime or other problems that negatively affect the community’s safety and security. We then actively partner with the community to find and implement agreed upon solutions.
It is important to know that community policing at the NAUPD is not a program practiced by a few. It is a philosophy practiced by all department employees. It is embedded in everything we do. It can be found in our mission statement and our annual goals and objectives. It is an integral part of our hiring and promotion processes, and our recognition and appraisal systems. Community policing also allows us to focus our resources where they are needed most. It empowers our employees by encouraging creative problem solving. It results in effective long-lasting solutions to problems.
Why community policing? Because we understand that we cannot deal with crime problems by ourselves. A truly safe campus can only be realized through the cooperation and collaboration of the entire community. It must be a team effort! Community policing provides the foundation for improving our collective quality of life.
Join the next generation of Public Safety Professionals!
We have some great career opportunities available!
Check out our Employment Opportunities Page for more details about working for NAU PD!
Read the 2023 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, which includes crime statistics for 2020, 2021 and 2022.
See what crimes and residential fires have been reported on campus for the past 60 days.
Read about NAU’s emergency procedures and campus emergency management.
Read about NAU’s policies regarding weapons on campus, medical marijuana, and bicycles.
Read about NAU’s Sexual Assault Protocol or view sex offender notification information.
Read safety tips and watch Run, Hide Fight videos.
As the University Police, we are here to support Northern Arizona University’s educational mission by fostering a safe learning, working, and living environment. Here you can learn about the department, our mission, the services we provide, and more. You can also explore employment opportunities or share your thoughts or concerns about public safety on campus. Feel free to e-mail, call, or stop by our department.