Timely Warning | Crime Alerts
Northern Arizona University is required by the Clery Act to alert the campus community to certain crimes in a manner that is timely and will aid in the prevention of similar crimes. Timely Warnings or “Crime Alerts” are triggered by Clery Act crimes that have already occurred on NAU’s Clery Act geography but represent a serious or continuing threat to students and employees. Crime Alerts may also be issued for a non-Clery Act crime. The decision to issue a Crime Alert is made on a case-by-case basis in conjunction with all the facts surrounding the crime, including such factors as, the nature or seriousness of the crime, the continuing danger to the campus community, and the possible risk of compromising law enforcement efforts. Names of victims or any personally identifying information about victims will not be placed in Crime Alerts.
Crime Alerts are distributed by the NAU Police Department in the form of bulletins. Distribution methods include posting the Crime Alert to this web page and sending an email to the campus community including an active URL to the individual Crime Alert bulletin. In addition, the Crime Alert will be appropriately distributed or posted in visible and accessible locations throughout campus. Generally, Crime Alerts should remain posted for a minimum of 7 days, unless the concern has been mitigated (e.g., an arrest is made or a crime report is determined to be unfounded).
For more information, please review the University’s Crime Alerts and Emergency Notifications policy.
- CA 2024-09 Surreptitious Viewing 10/02/2024
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- CA 2025-01 Surreptitious Viewing 02/10/2025