NAU Green Fund Project Archives
Fiscal Year 2024
Fiscal Year 2023
Fiscal Year 2022
Fiscal Year 2021
Fiscal Year 2020
Fiscal Year 2019
OZZI Expansion Accordion Closed
Approval Date: April 20th, 2018
Amount Allocated: $30,000
A second reusable container machine called OZZI, more reusable food containers, and thousands of reusable hot and cold cups were purchased to expand the O2GO program to all coffee locations and South Campus. Now, students will be able to use the containers on South Campus and in Starbucks.
Green Revolving Fund Accordion Closed
Approval Date: April 2nd, 2018
Approved Budget: $75,000
Waiting on administrative approval.
The Green Revolving Fund will provide $75,000 in start-up funding for a clean energy fund. The money will be invested in energy efficiency projects and renewable energy to reduce NAU’s greenhouse gas emissions. Any money saved from the reduced energy usage will be added to the Green Revolving Fund, which will grow over time, increasing the opportunities for large-scale projects.
Climate Teach-In Accordion Closed
Approval Date: March 30th, 2018
Amount Allocated: $645
The Climate Teach-In was held on NAU’s campus to bring together students, faculty, and staff to discuss climate change and sustainability. Seminars and workshops provided in-depth and hands-on discussions around solutions that can move us towards mitigating and adapting to climate change. The event was zero waste and environmentally friendly.
WA Franke College Business Recycling Bins Accordion Closed
Approval Date: March 2nd, 2018
Approved Budget: $23,051
The WA Franke College of Business is a LEED Gold green building that lacks adequate recycling bins to fit the needs of the large student population that uses the building. The Green Fund purchased dual trash and recycling bins to place around the building.
Succulent Wall Accordion Closed
Approval Date: February 16th, 2018
Amount Allocated: $1,254.11
Materials and labor were purchased to create a succulent wall at a Green Fund event to engage students in a hands-on sustainability project. Green walls provide cleaner air and increased focus for room occupants. The succulent wall was installed on the 3rd floor of the HLC across from the Green Scene dining facility.
OZZI Accordion Closed
Approval Date: November 17, 2017
Approved Budget: $29,092.50
O2GO reusable containers from the OZZI system eliminate the volume of plastic and foam products often associated with food service operations, lessening the dependency on fossil fuels and reducing your carbon footprint.
Multimodal Plan Accordion Closed
Approval Date: November 10, 2017
Approved Budget: $23,100
A campus wide assessment for a plan to improve overall campus transit circulation and safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, buses, and personal vehicles. This will reduce carbon emissions by evaluating and reducing campus vehicle congestion, and promote multimodal transportation by improving campus infrastructure.
LED Lighting on Campus Accordion Closed
Approval Date: 10.13.17
Approval Budget: $3,675
New LED lighting was installed in Facility Services, the Paint Shop, and the Spray Booth, minimizing output wattage consumed and saving approximately 60% of energy.
Pollinator Habitat Accordion Closed
Total $959.50
Approval Date: April 27th, 2017
NAU is leading the way to improved regional pollinator health through the Northern Arizona Pollinator Habitat Initiative (NAZPHI). NAZPHI’s mission is to promote the creation, protection, and registration of pollinator habitat across Northern Arizona. The Green Fund provided money to NAZPHI to create a pollinator garden with native wildflowers at the SNAIL garden and improve the garden at the APS substation.

Soofa Core Accordion Closed
Total: $12,700.00
Approval Date: April 20th, 2017
Five Soofa Cores were purchased and placed in several locations around campus. Designed to promote a “green lifestyle,” the Soofa Cores allow students to charge their phones while waiting for the bus or doing work outside.

BigBelly Solar Compactor and SmartBelly Recycler Double Station Accordion Closed
Total: $7,625.46
Approval Date: April 6th, 2017
One BigBelly and SmartBelly Double Station was purchased for the South Village residence hall due to the absence of recycling outside or near the hall. Providing a recycling and trash bin near the residence hall was essential due to its location next to mailboxes and the high traffic of students and families living in the area. The technology of these bins ensures waste is compacted to hold 5x the tradition capacity of a tradition bin to reduce the need for frequent pick-up.

NAU Ultra-Light Solar Aircraft Accordion Closed
Total: $1,035.92
Approval Date: February 16th, 2017
A Senior Engineering Capstone group designed a radio-controlled plane that maintained fully self-sustained flight powered only by photovoltaic solar cells. This project has contributed to the research into the use of solar energy for flight.

Woodway Treadmills Accordion Closed
Two Woodway treadmills were purchased for The Health and Learning Center. These treadmills are manually operated and are an excellent workout tool. This project will be able to bring sustainability to the forefront of students minds at a place where sustainability is easily forgotten, the gym!
Approval date: January 26, 2016
Amount Allocated: $13,216
Events2HVAC Accordion Closed
This proposal was brought to us by Facility Services in order to install an EVENTS2HVAC system in the High Country Conference Center. This software would create a connection between the HVAC system and the existing scheduled programs in order to minimize power when the building is unoccupied and conserve energy.
Aquaponics Accordion Closed
This proposal was brought to the Green Fund by a group of engineering students as their capstone project. The students requested financial support in order to build an aquaponics system to be constructed and operated within the CEECME Research Complex as a sustainable agriculture method that can also act as a learning opportunity for future engineering students.
Approval date: October 7th, 2016
Approved budget: $2,500
Phase Change Material in Blome Accordion Closed
A student proposal to provide funds and installation costs for a thermal storage Phase Change Material within the Blome building in order to reduce amount of fossil fuels use and greenhouse gases generation while simultaneously providing comfortable temperatures in the building.
Approval date: September 9th, 2016
Amount allocated: $19,020
Chad Pregracke: Earth Day Speaker Accordion Closed
On Earth day the Green Fund paid to have the founder of the nonprofit Living Lands and Waters, Chad Pregracke, speak about his inspiring vision that led him to become CNN’s 2013 man of the year and one of the united states strongest advocates for the restoration of our rivers. His earth day talk acted as a reminder to us all that even the smallest of voices can make a big difference.
Approval date: March 1, 2016
Amount allocated: $5,000
Construction Management Lab Solar Accordion Closed
This proposal funded five solar hot air heaters and six PV solar panels on the Construction Management Lab (bldg 47a). This project works toward offsetting NAU’s carbon footprint as well as implementing solar technologies into the Civil Engineering, Construction Management and Environmental Engineering (CECMEE) department’s research and curriculum. This project represents a step toward advancing the renewable energy industry, reducing NAU’s fossil fuel use, and gives students a real world opportunity to work hands on with solar technology. View this online portal to see the solar PV panels’ real time energy production.
Approval date: March 22, 2016
Amount allocated $20,774
Kind Wine Competition Accordion Closed
The Kind Wine Competition is one of the first of its kind. The Green Fund supported this project so that sustainable wine packaging can have a greater voice on NAU’s campus and throughout the community. This one time investment from the Green Fund will help break the stigmatism that boxed wine isn’t as good as bottled wine and will eventually reduce the amount of glass that Flagstaff consumes. From the creation of glass, glass’s heavy weight (impacting transportation emissions), the shape of wine bottles (impacting efficient packaging), and glass wine’s quick expiration date after opening, there are many reasons keg wine or boxed wine can be more sustainable then glass bottles. Learn more at the Kind Wine Competition website.
Approval date: April 14, 2016
Amount allocated: $564
Tree Campus USA Hats Accordion Closed
The Tree Campus USA program helps colleges and universities around the country establish and sustain healthy community forests. The Green Fund thought it suitable to fund the hats for this university achievement so that it would foster a sense of appreciation and attitude of stewardship towards NAU’s surrounding forests.
Approval date: April 22, 2016
Amount allocated: $1,567
Community Public Inquiry (CUPI) Accordion Closed
The Community University Public Inquiry program or CUPI is a university program that gives students 1 credit for their work with different community partners. The Green Fund was responsible for funding the graduate students who created the course and fostered the connections with the community groups Black Mesa Water Coalition, Grand Canyon Trust, Northern Arizona Interfaith Council, and Flagstaff Foodlink.
Approval date: April 26, 2016
Amount allocated: $2,920
2010-2013 Project Review Update: Emissions Analysis