Reproductive Health
Campus Health Services is committed to helping you navigate your reproductive health needs. Our services include:
- Birth Control education
- Birth Control, including oral contraceptives, barriers, IUD placement, Depo-Provera, and implantable devices (Nexplanon)
- STI testing and treatment; expedited partner therapy
- Pregnancy testing
- Hormonal support and treatment
- Condom Club and other free birth control items
- Well woman exams and Pap smears
- Men’s health exams
- Referrals to specialists as needed
How do I get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?
- You can schedule an appointment to get tested via our online portal or by calling 928-523-2131. Testing for Gonorrhea/Chlamydia/HIV/Syphilis/Hepatitis B or C is available in consultation with a medical provider.
- You may be eligible for Express Collect (Gonorrhea/Chlamydia) testing.
If you:
- Want the testing NOT to go to your parent’s insurance.
- Have not been tested recently (within the past 4 weeks)
- Do not need any additional services (e.g., birth control, Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP), Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, treatment or testing for HIV or syphilis)
- Are only interested in Gonorrhea and Chlamydia testing.
Express Collect (Gonorrhea/Chlamydia) testing clinic
- is $45 for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia testing ONLY, payment at time of services (cash/credit card/apple pay)
- is not billed to Louie, Louiecare or your insurance
- available for scheduling via our online portal or by calling 928-523-2131
- testing by vaginal/urethral swab or urine test ONLY