How often do you reassess your wellness? What can you be doing to improve your overall wellness? What exactly is wellness?
If you are curious about the answers to these questions, attend one of the Live Well Lunches offered virtually through Health Promotion.
These lunchtime workshops give both students and faculty members an overview of Live Well NAU. Live Well NAU is a framework to help the NAU community to manage their health and wellness, based on the 8 Dimensions of Wellness.
These workshops occur EVERY Tuesday at noon. During these weekly meetings, a facilitator will help walk you through Live Well NAU self-assessment and go over tools based on the particular dimension of wellness you want to improve. These workshops are only 30 minutes, but they will help propel you into the semester feeling your best! What are you waiting for!? Check out the Health Promotion calendar to find the week that works best for you.
Hoping to get started immediately? Here’s how:
- Take this self-assessment (student or staff/faculty) to identify which aspects of your wellness need more support.
- Set a SMART goal in the area(s) where you scored the lowest, using the resources below to help you reach your goal!
- Explore each dimension of wellness by clicking on each aspect of wellness displayed below. On each page, you’ll find on-campus resources as well as action items and campus events to improve that dimension of wellness.