Manage my parking
Order permits, submit appeals, add vehicles to a permit, and more:Policies
Thank you for becoming informed on the education and appeal opportunities we provide. We are responsible for the enforcement of parking policies to ensure the safe movement and parking of all vehicles and non-pedestrian devices on campus, including bicycles.
Read our current Motor Vehicle Parking Regulations, and view our parking zones for information about the different parking permits available.
Policies relating to bikes, scooters, skateboard and other non-pedestrian devices can be found in the Campus Transit Regulations.
Fine Amounts for bicycles and transit devices Accordion Closed
1. Parking or Storage in an Unauthorized Area. $30
2. Failure to Yield. $30
3. Failure to Stop.$50
4. Riding at Night without Headlight or Reflectors. $30
5. Riding Against the Flow of Traffic. $50
6. Failure to Use Crosswalk. $30
7. Riding Where Prohibited. $50
8. Clinging to a Moving Vehicle. $100
9. Creating an Unreasonable Inconvenience or Hazard. $50
10. Arizona State Law Violations. $30
Citation Payments Accordion Closed
Citations issued pursuant to these policies are viewable online via “Manage My Parking.” Students and employees may pay citation fines online via Checks may be mailed to PO Box 5603 Flagstaff, AZ, 86011 along with the entire bottom portion of the citation that has been filled out completely. Cash payments may be made in-person at Student and Departmental Account Services located on the first floor of the Gammage Building (bring the citation to ensure proper credit). To avoid late fees, transit citation fines must be paid in full within thirty (30) days of issuance. Fines paid after thirty (30) days are considered delinquent and late fees and other penalties may apply. Copies of lost citations may be obtained from UTS. The citation is not considered settled until the fine is paid in full or the waived by the UTS Appeals Officer or the UTS Appeals Board. Fines determined as the result of an appeal decision must be paid within thirty (30) calendar days of the decision to avoid additional late payment fees or other penalties. UTS will generally process refunds that result from appeal decisions within ten (10) business days of the decision, which for students will appear as a credit on the student’s account (if the student account is in deficit, the refund/credit will automatically offset the balance owed accordingly).
Appeal and diversion program information
Diversion program Accordion Closed
The Diversion Program consists of a self-directed education and information opportunity. This program is open to members of the campus community with a valid LOUIE login. If you request to participate in the Diversion Program, the right to further appeal the violation at all levels is waived. The Diversion Program is designed to help educate our campus community in order to prevent future citations. Only one violation is allowed to be sent through the Diversion Program per fiscal year. All other account citations that are appealable must go through the regular appeals process.
Diversion Program is not an option for certain citations. Requests to participate will be denied and citation upheld. These violations include:
- Parked in a restricted area
- Parked in a disabled stall or access area
- Immobilization or Relocation fee
- Tailgating
- Altered permit
How to participate in the Diversion Program:
- Send a request to within 14 calendar days from the date the citation was issued.
- On the subject line type: Request for Diversion Program
- In the body include the citation number being requested for diversion.
- The link to enroll in the class will be sent via email to enroll in the class.
- Once the link is received and the class opened all modules will need to be completed and marked as reviewed prior to the next module opening up.
- After all modules have been reviewed the link to take the test will be available. The test must be passed with an 80% or higher in order to have the fine waived. Two attempts to achieve the minimum score will be possible. There is a time limit of one hour per test attempt.
- Failure to complete any of these steps within the 14 calendar day time frame will confirm the fine on the citation at this level.
- If the test is not passed the fine will be confirmed at this level.
Submitting a first level appeal Accordion Closed
If you elect this option, the opportunity to participate in the Diversion program is waived. Before proceeding to the appeal process, please review the following reasons that are not grounds for an appeal:
- lack of knowledge of parking rules and regulations
- lateness to a class or an appointment
- employment related duties
- disagreement with or inability to pay the fine
Appeals must be submitted online through your manage my parking account within 14 calendar days from the date the citation was issued. During the appeals process, the Appeals Officer may uphold, reverse, or modify the citation and/or penalty. The outcome of the appeals process is sent via your university e-mail account and will be listed on manage my parking.
- Type in your citation number and your vehicle license plate accurately
- Find the citation you would like to appeal in the list of citations on the vehicle
- Review the information and check the box stating you understand the statements then click next
- Fill in the information required and comment box
- If you have additional documentation, you may attach it online, bring it to the parking office or submit it to
- Click submit
Second level appeal Accordion Closed
A second level appeal process is available for those who would like reconsideration of the original decision. A second level appeal may only be submitted once the first level appeal decision has been rendered and the fine has been paid in full. The Appeals Board is composed of representatives from faculty, staff, and students.
The second level appeal is submitted online using the parking portal for all users with an NAU or guest login. If you do not have an NAU or guest login, please email, indicate you wish to proceed to the second level and indicate if you wish to do so in person or based on your original statement only. The second level appeal request must be submitted within 14 calendar days of the adjudication at the first level.
The Appeals Board meets quarterly in the months of January, April, July and October.