To Request a Vehicle Release or Hearing
- Complete the Application for Early Release
- Submit the form (see instructions on form)
Any Questions?
20 Day Impound Releases and Hearings
My vehicle was impounded. How do I get it released?
Impounded vehicles may only be released early to a registered owner or their spouse. A “registered owner” is the person named on your state’s motor vehicle records as the vehicle’s owner at the time of impoundment. Vehicles may only be released early to a registered owner under the following conditions:
- The vehicle was impounded because the registered owner was charged with Driving on a Suspended License and the registered owner has since had their license reinstated
- The vehicle was stolen at the time of impoundment
- The registered owner, or registered owner’s spouse, was not the driver at the time of the impoundment and they agree to not allow their vehicle to be operated by the following:
- Any person with a suspended or revoked license;
- Any person who has never been issued a drivers’ license or permit
- Any person who is subject to an ignition interlock device requirement, if the vehicle is not equipped with an ignition interlock device
- Any person under 21 years of age who has consumed alcoholic beverages before driving
- Any person over 21 years of age who is arrested for Extreme DUI or Aggravated DUI
These are the only circumstances under which a vehicle may be released early. No exceptions are possible. If none of those three circumstances apply, the vehicle must remain impounded for 20 days.
If the registered owner is unable to personally pick up the vehicle, the following are also required:
- Documentation of a designated Power of Attorney or;
- A written, notarized letter naming specifically an individual who may act on the registered owner’s behalf. This person may not be the driver of the vehicle at the time of impoundment.
Impounded vehicles may also be released early to:
- Motor vehicle dealers, banks, credit unions, acceptance corporations, or other financial institutions licensed to operate in the State of Arizona who have a possessory interest in the vehicle
- Motor vehicle renters if they own the impounded vehicle and it was rented at the time of impoundment
- Parking services, repair garages, or other businesses to which the vehicle was subject to bailment, and the vehicle was being operated by an employee at the time of impoundment
For all vehicle releases, whether before or after the end of the 20 day impoundment period, you must provide NAUPD with copies of the following items:
- Legible proof of valid drivers’ license for the registered owner or spouse;
- Legible proof of valid vehicle registration
- Legible proof of valid vehicle insurance
- Legible proof of ignition interlock installation, if the registered owner is subject to ignition interlock requirements