Immunization requirement – MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella)
To safeguard the health of the NAU population, ALL new and transfer students are required to provide proof of immunity to measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) – for all students born after December 31, 1956. Before a student can register, they are required to show proof of measles, mumps and rubella vaccinations or a lab test showing proof of immunity to the measles, mumps and rubella. You may obtain a copy of an official immunization record from your health care provider, health department, high school, or previous university. The MMR vaccine is available on a walk-in basis for a fee at Medical Services.
What immunizations are required to attend Northern Arizona University? Accordion Closed
Northern Arizona University requires that all students attending the Flagstaff mountain campus, including Coconino Community College students living in a NAU residence hall, provide medical documentation of their immunization or immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella (“MMR”). Students born prior to 1957 are exempt from this requirement, as are NAU students not attending the Flagstaff mountain campus.
What MMR documentation is required Accordion Closed
Students must submit ONE of the following:
- a copy of your healthcare provider immunization records; OR
- a copy of your immunization records from any previous school or college you attended; OR
- laboratory test results showing proof of a positive MMR blood titer; OR
- a completed Northern Arizona University MMR Immunization Verification Form; OR
- a completed Northern Arizona University MMR Immunization Declination Form; OR
- proof of your date of birth prior to 1957
How do I submit my MMR documentation? Accordion Closed
The preferred method is electronically. Go to the Campus Health Portal and enter your NAU credentials. Then click “Required Forms,” followed by “Immunization Records.” You will need to upload scans of your MMR documentation. Alternatively, you may drop your documentation off in person at the Campus Health Services office in the Health and Learning Center (Bldg. 25) or submit it by:
Mail: Campus Health Services Immunizations
PO Box 6033
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-6033
My immunization records are in a foreign language. Is this acceptable? Accordion Closed
No. All MMR documentation submitted to Campus Health Services must be in English. Contact your health care provider for a translated copy.
I have received the MMR vaccine, but I don’t have documentation. What do I do? Accordion Closed
Your healthcare provider can order an MMR blood titer to check your status and you may submit the results. If the test shows that you do not have immunity, you must get the MMR vaccine.
In the event of an MMR outbreak, who must leave the Flagstaff mountain campus? Accordion Closed
In the event of an outbreak of measles, mumps, or rubella, all students who lack immunity, including those who have filed a declination and all students without documentation immunity on file with Campus Health Services, are required to immediately evacuate the Flagstaff mountain campus and will not be allowed to return until state or county public health officials determine that it is safe to do so. An MMR outbreak may consist of a single confirmed case of measles, mumps, or rubella on campus. Northern Arizona University does not provide tuition, fee, or housing refunds in such cases to students who have failed to submit proper MMR immunity documentation.
Where can find more information about MMR and the vaccine? Accordion Closed
Start with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) MMR vaccination webpage. You can also visit the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) website or The Arizona Partnership for Immunization’s webpage for college students.
Can I get the MMR vaccination from Campus Health Services? Accordion Closed
Yes, the MMR vaccine is available by appointment for a fee from Campus Health Services. The vaccination consists of two shots that must be given at least 28 days apart. Students who have received the first shot are eligible for a temporary immunization hold override to allow them to enroll and attend classes while waiting to receive the second shot. The immunization hold will be reimposed if a student fails to receive the second MMR immunization shot.
What other immunizations does Northern Arizona University recommend? Accordion Closed
Northern Arizona University, the American College Health Association, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention strongly recommend that all college students be up-to-date on the following immunizations:
- MENINGOCOCCAL B (Meningitis)
- TDAP (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis)
- HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
- COVID-19
An annual INFLUENZA vaccine is also recommended. All of these vaccines are available by appointment for a fee from Campus Health Services.
Submission requirements
Flagstaff Campus students must only submit a completed Immunization Policy Form and proof of one of the following to Medical Services:
- Two (2) MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccines given on or after your first birthday and the second given at least 28 days after the first OR
- A lab test showing immunity to measles, mumps and rubella OR
- Date of birth before January 1, 1957 OR
- Physician’s documentation of the disease.
You will not be permitted to register for classes until you meet this requirement. Please allow 24-48 hours for processing.
In cases of legal name changes, please supply documentation of this change, such as a marriage license, divorce decree, adoption records, or court orders.
You may submit your required documents via Patient Portal, mail, fax, e-mail or in person:
Medical Services
Campus Health Services
PO Box 6033
824 S. San Francisco St. Bldg. 25
Flagstaff, Arizona 86011-6033
Phone: 928-523-6359