Offender Watch
Coconino County maintains its own registry of sex offenders using Offender Watch®
Sexual assault information
Reporting a Sexual Assault
Victims of sexual offenses are encouraged to report the crime to the NAU Police Department, Dial 911 (emergencies), 928-523-3611 (non-emergencies) or report to the NAU Title IX Coordinator.
Confidential options:
We understand not all victims of these crimes want to or are ready to report to the police. Those who wish to seek guidance in a confidential setting are encouraged to contact either NACASA (Northern Arizona Center Against Sexual Assault) at 928-527-1900 or 1-877-634-2723 or to NAU Counseling Services at 928-523-2261. Both of these agencies offer a 24 hour on-call service.
NAU’s Sexual Assault Resources can be found on the Equity and Access website as well as the Health Promotions website.
Visit the Arizona Department of Public Safety’s online registry which provides information to the public regarding the location of sex offenders within Arizona.

View public notices regarding sex offenders affiliated with Northern Arizona University’s Flagstaff Mountain Campus.