Contact Campus Dining
Mobile menu
Use the NAUgo smartphone app to view campus dining options, locations, hours of service, menus and nutrition information.Add Dining Dollars
Add Dining Dollars to a cardholder’s account, or check balance here as a student or staff or add dining dollars as a GuestBurger ConFusion
Burger ConFusion offers many types of delicious burgers! From the Gooey Louie to our plant-based burger, there is something for everyone!
Burger ConFusion is located in the University Union, Bldg 30A, in between Chick-Fil-A and G’s NY Style Deli. Map and directions
Click here for Burger ConFusion nutritional information.
Payment options
Meal plan transfer specials, Dining Dollars, cash, credit/debit, and JDE
Transfer specials Accordion Closed
Choose from one of the following options from whichever meal time you choose to attend
- Cheeseburger
- Hamburger
- Farro Burger
- Turkey Burger
- Impossible Burger
Transfers include Fries and a 16 oz Fountain Beverage
Platinum transfer Accordion Closed
Choose one of each category
Entree: any single item on the menu
Side: any side on the menu
Beverage: 16 oz. fountain beverage