Academic unit site support
Business unit site support
Image Callout
Watch the Image Callout and Image Caption video
Overview Accordion Open
An image callout allows you to give an image a title and a brief description.

How-To Accordion Closed
The title must be formatted as Heading 4 (H4) The description must be in plain text (Paragraph). The order of the elements does not matter.
- Select image callout.
- Select the alignment option. The shortcode appears in the text editor.
- Insert your cursor between the shortcode bookends.
- Enter the text for the image caption.
- Enter Heading 4 text for the image title.
- Select Add Media to open the Media Library.
- Select the image and click Insert into page.
All image callouts must be associated with a link.
- Select the image.
- Click the hyperlink button from the toolbar.
- Enter the URL or type the name of a page on your site.
Troubleshooting Accordion Closed
If the image callout is not appearing or behaving as expected:
- Ensure that the text for your shortcode is complete, all bookends are present and each closing bookend contains a forward slash
- Did you associate a hyperlink with the image?
If you’re still having trouble, contact EASI Web Team.