Academic unit site support
Business unit site support
Image Caption
Watch the Image Callout and Image Caption video
Overview Accordion Open
An image caption allows you to give an image a short, descriptive title. This is a useful approach when you want to explain or elaborate on something in the image.
The example below might be used for the climbing gym at the Recreation Center. Adding the caption gives context to where the subjects are and what they’re doing.
Climb to new heights
How-To Accordion Closed
The image caption shortcode requires an image and the label for the image formatted as Heading 4 (h4). As with all shortcodes, the order of the elements does not matter.
- Select image caption.
- Select the alignment option. The shortcode appears in the text editor.
- Insert your cursor between the shortcode bookends.
- Enter the text for the image caption. Only use short phrases, not complete sentences.
- Select Add Media to open the Media Library.
- Select the image and click Insert into page.
All image captions should be a link.
- Select the image.
- Click the hyperlink button from the toolbar.
- Enter the URL.
Troubleshooting Accordion Closed
If the image caption is not appearing or behaving as expected:
- Ensure that the text for your shortcode is complete, all bookends are present and each closing bookend contains a forward slash
- Did you associate a hyperlink with the image?
If you’re still having trouble, contact EASI Web Team.