Your Benefits Advisor
Faculty & Appointed Staff
- Vicki Adney
- 928-523-6147
- Iris Price
- 928-523-7143
Related Policies
Related Policies
Managing Leaves of Absence
NAU has of variety of leaves of absences that can provide eligible employees with approved time away from work. The most common types of leaves of absence are:
- Family Medical Leave
- Extended Leave for medical or personal reasons
- Industrial Leave
Leaves of absence may be taken in several different ways
- Continuous leave is taken over uninterrupted period of time.
- Reduced schedule leave reduces an employee’s usual number of working hours per workweek, or hours per workday.
- Intermittent leave is taken in separate blocks of time for a single illness or injury.
Supervisors Role in Managing Leaves of Absence
Supervisors play an important role in managing leaves of absence.
Before an employee is on an approved leave of absence supervisors should…
- be familiar with the different types of leaves of absences offered by NAU.
- contact Human Resources with any questions regarding leaves of absence.
- refer employees who express a need for a leave of absence to Human Resources or the benefits web page
- monitor when the employee is at work and not at work.
- submit an online leave request form for employees who should be notified of their right to request a leave of absence. This would include employees who have been out in excess of 3 days or who continually take intermittent time away from work for their own or a family member’s medical condition.
While an employee is on an approved leave of absence supervisors should…
- communicate with the employee & Human Resources about the employee’s dates & times the employee will be away from work & when they will return to work.
- monitor when the employee is at work and when the employee is not at work
- assure an eROA is submitted and approved for any pay period in which an employee has time away from work.
- If an employee does not submit an eROAs the supervisor should complete an eROA for the employee so they are not overpaid.
- notify Human Resources on the date the employee begins their leave and on the date the employee returns from leave.
- ensure a return to work note is received prior to the employee working if the leave was for the employee’s illness.
- continue to manage the employee’s performance.
- process requests for Compassionate Transfer of Leave and Light Duty
- approve or deny personal leave requests. Notify Human Resource of all approved personal leave requests.
Supervisors should NOT…
- request or discuss detailed information about the employee’s medical condition.
- discourage an employee from applying for a leave of absence.
- approve or deny Family Medical Leave or Extended Medical Leave.
Still have questions??
Contact the Benefits Team at or call (928) 523-2223.