Arizona GEAR UP celebrates and recognizes Dr. Daniel Kain for his nearly 20 years of commitment to the advancement of GEAR UP and a lifelong career as an educator and change agent. In retirement, Dr. Kain can rest assured that his influence, expertise, and collaboration set a new standard for what partnership truly means. His ability to meet people where they are while keeping track of the goals at hand add increased insight to any project in which he oversees and supports. His insight, generosity, devotion, and experience helps bring people together across all sectors to help level the playing field for all students in Arizona. Need some visuals? Check out our Breaking News clip.
Working under the direction of Governor Doug Ducey, Dr. Kain was instrumental in the latest grant, Arizona GEAR UP 2019-26: The Five E’s of Equity. Additionally, Dr. Kain’s collaboration with Achieve60AZ, a statewide initiative that aims to dramatically increase the number of Arizona adults who hold a postsecondary credential or degree by 2030, represents unparalleled partnership.
Dr. Kain brings immense brainpower and influence to Arizona GEAR UP. His expertise in designing curriculum and developing research-based instructional strategies during his tenure have been invaluable in the project design and success of Arizona GEAR UP. During this current grant cycle, his creativity and contribution of the 5 E’s of Equity provide not only the basis of services, but create a foundation for measurement of success. All educational systems would benefit with a focus on the 5E’s of Equity:
- Engage communities, educators, students, and families.
- Empower every sector with the knowledge and tools to overcome systemic inequities.
- Help create rigorous learning environments where students excel.
- Elevate expectations for high school graduation and college attainment.
- Enrich the communities, schools, and families to create a strong and sustainable college-going culture.
Dan, from everyone at Arizona GEAR UP, we send you many thanks, and we wish you the very best in your next life adventure. You are our leader, our partner, and Unsung Hero.