GEAR UP for success
At the core of the 2019-26 grant cycle, Arizona GEAR UP focuses on three goals:
- Increase academic performance and post-secondary preparation.
- Increase high school graduation and postsecondary enrollment rates.
- Increase educational expectations for students and increase knowledge of postsecondary options for students and families.
Arizona GEAR UP will accomplish our goals by closing equity gaps, which we refer to as the Five E’s of Equity. We engage, empower, excel, elevate, and enrich the lives of Arizona students, schools, and communities to help level the playing field toward college access and attainment.
Goals of the 5E’s of Equity
- Increase preparation and performance for students to achieve postsecondary education.
- Increase high school graduation rates and college attendance for our Arizona students.
- Increase educational expectations for our students and reveal postsecondary options to students and their families.
But we don’t do it alone. Our community project partners and school partners play a vital role as we align with Achieve60AZ, to help ensure 60% of Arizona adults will hold a postsecondary credential or degree by 2030.