Arizona GEAR UP is proud to partner with Helios Education Foundation, Achieve60AZ| College Success Arizona | Expect More Arizona, and other community partners on the Helios Adelante Scholars Initiative, which provides a $1000 incentive scholarship to 2020 graduates to encourage college attendance.
The initiative plans to address the unprecedented drop in postsecondary enrollment in Arizona. Nationally, the postsecondary enrollment for first-time freshman from the class of 2020 declined an unprecedented 6.8 percent, according to the National Student Clearinghouse. This decline is more than four times larger than the 2019 pre-pandemic rate. In Arizona, community college enrollment is down more than 16 percent.
To qualify for the scholarship, students must have graduated high school in 2020, enroll in an accredited college or university at least half-time, complete the FAFSA (or state they’re ineligible for the FAFSA), and complete the scholarship application.
Recipients can use the funds for tuition, books, or room and board. In addition, the community partners will help students identify other scholarship and financial aid opportunities.
Arizona GEAR UP will promote the initiative with its 2020 graduates and their parents, and if students need additional assistance, we will refer them to our partners for specific services.
“COVID-19 brought even more inequities to light, which is why the Adelante Scholarship Initiative is more important than ever,” said Arizona GEAR UP Director Robert Neese. “We’re always pleased to collaborate with such great community partners to help level the playing field for the students we serve.”
To find out more about the Helios Adelante Scholars Initiative and the partners involved, visit: collegesuccessarizona.org/adelante.