Today we released a patch that addressed a number of issues and enhanced the table functionality. Below is a list of changes that were included in this release. If you have any feedback please submit it using our feedback form.
- Posts are now truncated instead of showing the full content.
- Fixed an issue where post titles were missing when filtering by category or tag.
- Fixed an issue with attachments preview page showing the attachment in the banner and in the body content.
- Shortcodes now allow links with taget=”_blank” to open link in a new window.
- Added author to the post shortcode, it display when an author is present.
- Fixed an issue where the directory was not showing phone numbers when there were overrides without a base phone number.
- Fixed an issue where the directory was not showing pobox when there were overrides without a base pobox.
- Fixed an issue where building was not displaying if it did not have an associated campus map.
- Fixed an issue where there were some plans missing in the plan code selection tool.
Tables rendered by TablePress have been enhanced. Their styling has been enhanced to match the theme. They are now more responsive and display better at different sizes. There is now a button that allows the table to be opened in its own window.