ways to improve your occupational wellness:- Get engaged outside of the classroom; these opportunities help you to develop skills and build your resume.
- Visit the NAU Career Development Office schedule an appointment through Handshake for help with your resume, mock interview, career exploration, and more.
- Ensure you have well-crafted, professional application materials by keeping your resume up to date and ensuring your cover letter effectively articulates your strengths. Need feedback on your resume? Utilize the Resume Drop Box.Conduct an informational interview with someone working in your field of interest to gain insights into that career field.
- Take the short and easy Interest Profiler at My Next Move to identify career paths tailored to your interests.
Upcoming Live Well NAU events
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Occupational Wellness
Occupational wellness encourages a personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s own work. Our occupations encompass a majority of our time so a focus on balancing leisure and work is essential to maintaining our sense of meaning and purpose.
Student Resources Accordion Open
Several programs and services may be offered virtually. Those items are denoted with an * below.
NAU career resources
- NAU Career Development*: Resources to help students navigate their careers.
- Career Steps*: Online lessons to enhance career readiness.
- Handshake*: NAU’s ultimate recruiting platform for jobs and internships.
- Internship Program: Experiential learning opportunities to explore career options.
- Departmental Internship Contacts: Contacts for department specific internships.
- Boundaryless: Develops interdisciplinary relationships to inspire problem-solving.
Online resources
- What Can I Do With This Major?: Explore the variety of careers you can have with your major.
- O*NET Interest Profiler: Find out what your interests are and how hey can relate to your future career field.
- Occupational Outlook Handbook: Explore and learn specifics about careers and the requirements needed for them.
- National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Career Competencies: The list of most highly needed/valued skills according to employers.
- Via Character Strengths Survey: Determine your character strengths and how you can use them in the workplace and beyond.
Staying well at work
- Easy exercises to do at your desk: Easy ways to take mental breaks and recharge during work.
- Coping with Stress at Work: Explore how to identify, mitigate, and cope with stress while at work to create a more healthy work environment.
Employee Resources Accordion Closed
Campus professional groups
- Staff Advisory Council: Join fellow NAU Staff for discussions regarding issues, policies, and events that impact the NAU community.
- Faculty Senate: Join fellow NAU Faculty for discussions regarding issues, policies, and events that impact the NAU community.
Disability resources, inclusion, other resources for workplace issues
- BeeLine Reader: Make reading onscreen easier, faster, and more enjoyable.
- Read and Write Gold: Convert text to speech using this tool available free of charge with a CAS sign-in.
- Disability Resources: Learn about resources for collaborations with students, faculty, staff, and the campus community to cultivate a universally designed environment, and facilitates the removal of existing barriers for the full inclusion of people with disabilities.
- Employee Relations Resources: Begin the process of requesting reasonable workplace accommodations (for NAU employees with a documented disability).
- Employee Assistance and Wellness: Consult with a licensed counselor regarding workplace issues.
- Center for University Access and Inclusion: Learn more about access and inclusion for our NAU community.
- Faculty Ombuds Program: Consult with the Faculty Ombuds regarding workplace issues.
- Job Access With Speech: Convert webpages and other on-screen materials to text or braille.
- Work-Related Injuries: Report or consult regarding work-related injuries.
Professional development
- Employee Assistance and Wellness: Improve skills related to workplace performance and relations via counseling, consultations, presentations, or workshops.
- Faculty Professional Development Program: Improve skills related to teaching performance, workplace relations via presentations and workshops tailored to faculty.
- Goal Development: Improve your goal-writing skills.
- Learning and Development Training: Join an HR training specialist for professional development workshops, seminars, and trainings.
Staying well at work
- Coping with Stress at Work: Improve your skills and resilience for responding to workplace stress.
- Easy exercises to do at your desk
- Employee Assistance and Wellness: Access workshops and wellness programs to help manage workplace stress and to keep you healthy!