FAQ’s for Time & Labor
Entering and Approving Time for Hourly Students or Temporaries
Entering and Approving Time for Benefit Eligible Employees
General Questions
Entering and Approving Time Hourly Students or Temporaries
How does the employee determine the job they are clocking in on? Will there be job titles on the Time and Labor page? i.e. desk assistant, file clerk, etc. Accordion Closed
The following information is provided to the students or temps with hourly jobs on the clock-in screen: Employee Record Number, Position number, Job Description, Department Description and Hourly rate.
Will two lines show for federal work study and student wage so they can choose between the two jobs? Accordion Closed
Yes, the students will have both positions available and are able to choose which position to clock in and out on.
Can a student or part-time temp employee punch in and out multiple times a day? Accordion Closed
Yes, student and temporary employees can clock in and out multiple times in a day.
If a student or part-time temp forgets to punch out, will they still be able to punch in again the next day? Accordion Closed
Yes, this will then generate an exception for the supervisor so they are aware that this needs to be fixed.
I missed punching in and out on the time clock. What can I do to get my hours posted? Accordion Closed
For student or part-time temp employees, any missed punches or time will need to be reported to their supervisor, who can enter this time on their behalf. Students do not currently have the ability to add missed punches or alter what has been reported.
Will time be automatically deducted for lunch and breaks for students and part time temps? Accordion Closed
For student or part-time temp employees, time will not be deducted for a lunch break. They will need to clock in and clock out for lunch breaks or time not worked. Employees do not need to clock in and out for paid breaks.
Can a student or part -time temp add hours or remove hours? Accordion Closed
Student and part-time temp employees do not have the capability to add or remove hours once reported.
If I work multiple jobs, different position numbers in the same department, do I have to punch in and out when I change jobs to show my hours worked? Accordion Closed
Yes, if employees are transitioning between two different jobs on two different position numbers, employees would need to clock in and out for each specific job.
How many pay periods back can you enter for back pay? Accordion Closed
Back pay can be processed back 2 pay periods. Anything beyond 2 pay periods needs to be sent on a paper timesheet or accrual adjustment form to the payroll office for processing.
What happens if the designated approver is not there to approve time? Accordion Closed
Departments should work to ensure there are backup approvers for all types of employees. If a backup is not available, please contact the Payroll office.
If students have more than one job and work more than 40 hours, how do you determine the overtime? Accordion Closed
The position that takes the student over 40 hours will be the position that is responsible for the OT cost. If more than one job has hours reported after the employee reaches 40 hours, both will pay OT for their hours.
If two jobs have different supervisors, does each supervisor see both positions? Accordion Closed
If the positions are not in the same department, the individual supervisors would only see the position assigned to them. If both positions are within the same department, both supervisors may see both jobs but only be able to approve hours for the position assigned to them.
Can Graduate Assistants or students approve time? Accordion Closed
Yes, if the Graduate Assistant or student employee is supervising other student employees, they can be assigned as the supervisor.
Can a student or part-time temp be the department time administrator or supervisor for other students or temporary employees? Accordion Closed
A student or part-time temp can be set up to approve time for other students and part-time temps as deemed appropriate.
Does the position number and Reports to have an impact on who approves the Students? Accordion Closed
No, the system position “reports-to” does not have an impact on who has the ability to approve student time.
If students or temps miss a punch will the supervisor get an email? Accordion Closed
No, however there is a report available in the Work Center under Queries for supervisor to run to capture any missing punches. It is called “Punch IN – no matching OUT.” Additionally, the payroll office sends out emails at the end of the pay period to punch employees who have missing punches.
I have several students and a limited number of computers/terminals, can I adjust their time so they are not paid less for waiting in line to punch in/out? Accordion Closed
Yes, however there is a 7 minute rounding rule built into the system allowing employees to clock in up to 7 minutes early or 7 minutes late and it rounds to the nearest quarter of the hour. Please refer to the rounding information provided on the HR Time and Labor web page.
If your employee works in another department, can you view the hours worked? Accordion Closed
No, however you can view their other jobs in position query under self service.
How is time approved, by the day or week? Accordion Closed
Time can be approved by day, week or pay period, but all time must be approved by the payroll processing deadline, which is generally 10 am on Monday morning of a pay week unless otherwise specified by payroll or the payroll schedule.
Are part-time hourly temps exempt from using the Web Clock? Accordion Closed
No, part-time hourly temps use the Web Clock.
I have students who work for offsite supervisors and they submit paper timesheets with their supervisor’s signature. Can I continue to use the paper form? Accordion Closed
Paper timesheets can still be used. The time will need to be entered into Louie by the supervisor. If this is the employee record of time worked, these timesheets must still be retained for 3 years.
Entering and Approving Time for Benefit Eligible Employees
If I am exempt, do I have to log my time? Accordion Closed
Exempt/Exception employees do not log regular time worked, but do need to log requests for time off in the timesheet. Future requests for time off can be submitted up to 365 days in advance.
Will a positive pay (FLSA Non-Exempt Employee) get paid if they do not enter time in their timesheet? Accordion Closed
All non-exempt Benefit Eligible regular employees must enter time in their time sheet in order to get a pay check. Exempt/Exception employees do not need to log regular hours worked to get paid, but must request/report absences in the timesheet.
When will I see the holiday on my timesheet? Accordion Closed
Holiday hours will be added to the timesheet one pay period before the holiday. If you are requesting time off on the holiday and it has not been loaded to the system yet, you will get a warning message letting you know that you are reporting time on a holiday.
Will time be automatically deducted for lunch and breaks for Benefit Eligible Employees? Accordion Closed
For Benefit Eligible FLSA Non-Exempt employees who need to report time worked and time off, they only report elapsed time. For example if an employee works 8am to 5pm with one hour lunch, they would report 8 hours of regular pay.
I requested time off and now I am planning on working. How do I adjust or remove that time? Accordion Closed
You can change your hours requested off. If you update your time your supervisor will need to re-approve. If you want to remove the whole request use the minus button on the right hand side of the screen. If your supervisor has already approved the time they will get an exception on the page notifying them that the time was removed. We recommend that you notify your supervisor of any change made to previously approved time off.
I need to adjust last pay period’s timesheet what do I do? Accordion Closed
You, your supervisor, or your supervisor’s proxy may adjust your timesheet going back two pay periods. Once the adjustment has been made, the supervisor will need to re-approve. Exceptions will be generated when approved time has been removed. If time needs to be adjusted more than two pay periods ago, please contact the payroll office.
Who can use “Overtime as Cash”? Can the approver override this request if an employee makes that selection? Accordion Closed
Any positive pay Benefit Eligible regular employee can request “Overtime as Cash” if they work overtime, however the supervisor can change that election if the department has determined they prefer their employees to accrue comp time.
If the department has determined they don’t have capacity to allow employees to accrue compensatory time, they can check the “Overtime as Cash” when they are approving the employee’s time.
If a person works over 40 hours in the week, does the system pick comp or overtime? Accordion Closed
The system defaults to processing overtime hours as comp accrued. If the employee wants to be paid OT, they must select the “Overtime as Cash” Box on the right side of the timesheet.
Can you be paid out for overtime for part of it and part comp time? Accordion Closed
It is a possibility on a week by week basis. For example, checking “Overtime as Cash” on all rows in week one of the pay period but not in week two, the system will calculate on a week by week basis.
Can you enter more than 10 hours of comp time paid out? Accordion Closed
Yes, however it is up to the supervisor/department on who much they will allow to be processed this way.
Can a student or temporary be a proxy for a reports to supervisor for benefit eligible employees? Accordion Closed
A student or part-time temp may not be set up as a proxy for approving hours worked or requests for time off for Benefit Eligible regular employees.
If a Full Time Non-Exempt Benefit Eligible Positive Pay employee only enters 30 hours, will they only get paid for that? Accordion Closed
Yes, they will get paid for reported and approved hours. Supervisors have a report available in the Work Center for any employees who have under reported hours called “All BP Reported Hours < Std Hours.” If an employee has not worked all of their standard hours in a week, the difference should be made up by reporting leave, such as sick, vacation, comp time taken, or leave without pay if needed.
How is time approved, by the day or week? Accordion Closed
Time can be approved by day, week or pay period, but all time must be approved by the payroll processing deadline, which is generally 10 am on Monday morning of a pay week unless otherwise specified by payroll or the payroll schedule.
How is time reported when the employee arrives early or late? Is it rounded up or down? Accordion Closed
Time should be reported to the nearest 15 minutes using a 7 minute rounding rule. Please reference the information page specifically designated to reporting rounded time.
When/how can the supervisor see future time entered? Accordion Closed
Supervisors receive an email notification for future request of absences they can also view future request by logging into the Work Center where they can see any future requests pending approval under My Work – My Staff – Future Periods or run a report to see future time off under Queries – My Staff – Future Requests.
How many pay periods back can you enter for back pay? Accordion Closed
Back pay and leave adjustments can be processed back 2 pay periods. Anything beyond 2 pay periods needs to be sent on a paper timesheet or accrual adjustment form to the payroll office for processing.
What happens if the designated Approver is not there to approve time? Accordion Closed
We recommend that all Reports to Approvers assign a proxy. If a proxy has not been assigned please contact the Payroll office.
How do I show the holiday if I work it? Accordion Closed
Regular hours should be added to the same day as the holiday, reflecting the employee actually was at work on the Holiday day. Do NOT delete the Holiday as the system does the appropriate calculations for payment or compensatory accruals.
Will there be FMLA codes if on a leave? Accordion Closed
Yes, however they will now reflect LOA rather than FML in the new system.
Will I get an unapproved time email? Accordion Closed
Yes, supervisors will get emails close to the end of the pay period notifying them they have unapproved time waiting.
General Questions
Will a Time Approver get an unapproved time email? Accordion Closed
Yes, supervisors will get emails close to the end of the pay period notifying them they have unapproved time waiting.
Does time that says “Approval in Process” need to be approved? Accordion Closed
Yes. “Approval in Process” is time that the approver can view, but that didn’t route to them for approval. The approver can approve it by adding a row beneath the row that says “Approval in Process” using the plus button to the right of the row. Then, cut and paste all of the time into the new row. Use the minus button to delete the row that says “Approval in Process.” Finally, use the yellow Submit button to save all changes. The time should now successfully say “Needs Approval” for the approver to approve.
Will there be training requirements before we can use T & L? Accordion Closed
No, however we do recommend new supervisors/employees review the documentation and contact payroll for additional training.
Do grad assistants or salaried part time faculty need to report time? Accordion Closed
No, Grad Assistants are paid on a salaried bases and do not need to report time.
How do I access T & L if I don’t have a computer or smart phone? Accordion Closed
If unable to access your timesheet for any reason please contact your supervisor and they have the ability to enter time on your behalf.
Are the roles still the same for the approvers? How will they change? Accordion Closed
All supervisory roles relating to all employee types has remained the same from the old system, just the approval process/path has changed.
Is the web clock and timesheets available through the NAU APP? Accordion Closed
Both the Web Clock and Timesheet will be accessible through the NAU APP, however once routed to the Web Clock or Timesheet these are not built for mobile devices and some manipulation and care are required to ensure your time has been submitted accurately.