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Exploring medical professions
Each program will have their own pre-requisite courses. Some programs require all pre-requisite courses to be complete at the time of application and some programs may not accept AP or online courses. It is important to check individual programs to ensure that you are meeting, and even exceeding, minimum requirements. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for information about fulfilling English requirements.
Allopathic (MD) & Osteopathic Medicine (DO) Accordion Closed
Check The Medical School Admission Requirements for a complete list of pre-requisite courses for each MD program.
Check Choose DO Explorer for a complete list of pre-requisite courses for each DO program.
Athletic Training Accordion Closed
Course | NAU equivalent |
Biology | BIO 181 with lab |
Anatomy and Physiology | BIO 201 & BIO 202 with labs |
Functional Anatomy and Kinesiology and/or Exercise Physiology | BIO 334 and BIO 338 |
Biomechanics | BIO 442 |
Chemistry | CHM 151 with lab |
Nutrition | NTS 135 |
Physics | PHY 111 |
Psychology | PSY 101 |
Check AT Each Moment for a complete list of pre-requisite courses for each program.
Chiropractic Accordion Closed
Most chiropractic programs require completion of at least 3 years of undergraduate study at an accredited institution, and an increasing number of programs are now requiring a bachelor’s degree with a minimum 3.0 GPA. At least 24 units will include physical and life science courses.
Minimum 24 units of life and physical science courses, at least 12 units should have a lab. Recommended courses include the following:
Check The Association of Chiropractic Colleges for a complete list of pre-requisite courses for each program.
Dentistry Accordion Closed
Check The American Dental Education Association for a complete list of pre-requisite courses for each program.
Naturopathic Medicine Accordion Closed
Check The Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Schools for a complete list of pre-requisite courses for each program.
Occupational Therapy Accordion Closed
Check The Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education for a complete list of pre-requisite courses for each program.
Optometry Accordion Closed
Check The Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry for a complete list of pre-requisite courses for each program.
Pharmacy Accordion Closed
Check The Pharmacy College Application Service for a complete list of pre-requisite courses for each program.
Physical Therapy Accordion Closed
Check The Physical Therapy Centralized Application Service for a complete list of pre-requisite courses for each program.
Physician Assistant (PA) Accordion Closed
*Check The Physician Assistant Education Association for a complete list of pre-requisite courses for each program.
Veterinary Medicine Accordion Closed
Check The American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges for a complete list of pre-requisite courses for each program.
A note about fulfilling English requirements:
NAU requires 1 semester of English (ENG 105 – 4 units), but some competitive graduate healthcare programs may ask for two semesters (or 6 units). There are a few ways you can complete your 2nd semester of English:
- ENG 105 (4 units) + ENG 205 (2 units) = 6 units (NAU)
- ENG 101 (3 units) + ENG 102 (3 units) = 6 units (community college)
- ENG 101 (3 units) + ENG 205 (2 units) = 5 units (community college + NAU)
- Ask the program if your Junior Level Writing Requirement could count as a 2nd English course (e.g. BIO 365W)