Contact Career Development
The Progression Plan
Preparing for a career you’ll love:
Freshman Year Accordion Open
- Take a wide variety of classes to explore your interests, identify your strengths, and develop transferable skills
- Create a first draft of your resume and review it with a Career Development staff member, Resume Coach, or Career Jack
- Log in to Handshake, NAU’s job search engine, or find an on or off campus job
- Connect to NAU’s career-related social media sites to keep up-to-date on tips and events
- Get involved in campus clubs and organizations to gain experience and build your skills
- Start building a positive social media presence
Sophomore Year Accordion Closed
- Update your resume and Handshake profile
- Conduct at least one informational interview, talking to professionals in fields that interest you
- Develop transferable skills by taking on increasingly challenging roles in your work, volunteer, undergraduate research, or extracurricular activities
- Create a profile on LinkedIn
- Seek out experiential learning opportunities, such as undergraduate research, studying abroad, working part-time, or interning
- Attend a Career and Graduate School Expo to introduce yourself to recruiters and ask about what they look for in a candidate
- Look for an exciting summer job or internship or explore a career interest
Junior Year Accordion Closed
- Update your resume and Handshake profile
- Build your network of strong and weak ties, connecting with your faculty, employers, members of the community, alumni, parents’ friends, and friends’ parents in person and on LinkedIn
- Develop and practice your “elevator speech”, a 30-second introduction to recruiters about you, your interests, and what you want to do
- Attend a Career and Graduate School Expo to meet recruiters and begin relationships with the organizations that most interest you
- Attend an Interview Workshop to develop your poise and confidence for interviewing
- Reflect on your strengths and experiences to develop your STAR stories for your interview responses
Senior Year Accordion Closed
- Update your resume and Handshake profile
- Attend a Job Search Strategies Workshop and read the online Job Search Strategies Guide
- Ask three of your professional contacts to be references; these may be faculty, supervisors, or others who can speak about your work ethic and character
- Attend the Career and Graduate School Expos to talk to recruiters from your preferred organizations or grad schools; collect their business cards and follow up
- Connect to your contacts at organizations that interest you to tap into the hidden job market
- Apply for multiple jobs and graduate schools that interest you; remember that finding the right fit takes time and requires patience