Incoming Mail Information
Mailbox Assignment Process:
- If you live in one of the following halls, your USPS mail is managed by NAU Postal Services: Allen, Calderon Learning Community, Campbell, Campus Heights, Cowden, Gabaldon, Gillenwater, Honors College, McConnell, McDonald, McKay Village, Mountain View, Morton, Pine Ridge, Raymond, Reilly, Roseberry, Sechrist, South Village, Taylor, Tinsley, Wilson
- As soon as a student receives their housing assignment, they are given a PO Box assignment.
- You will receive your mail faster when the sender uses the format listed below. Postal Services cannot accept responsibility for the delivery of miss-addressed or insufficiently addressed mail.
Student mail addressing format for all delivery carrier:
{First Name} {Last Name}
{NAU Email Address}
1015 S San Francisco St, #{PO Box Number}
Flagstaff, AZ 86011
John Doe
1015S San Francisco St, #PO Box Number
Flagstaff AZ 86011
What is my physical address?
What is my PO Box #?