A step further
Another part of the 2019-26 grant provides direct services to five high schools and the middle schools that feed into them. We refer to these schools as our 5E school partners, and with their help, we focus on the 5E’s.
- Engage communities, educators, students, and families.
- Empower every sector with the knowledge and tools to overcome systemic inequities.
- Help create rigorous learning environments where students excel.
- Elevate expectations for high school graduation and college attainment.
- Enrich the communities, schools, and families to create a strong and sustainable college-going culture.
Our 5E high schools develop yearly plans in collaboration with Arizona GEAR UP. School teams and GEAR UP coaches then implement these plans, which Arizona GEAR UP fund and oversee. Then, middle schools that feed into our 5E Schools choose from a menu of services, which best fit their needs.
Buckeye Union High School Accordion Closed
Buckeye Union High School
School coaches:
- KenJuan Lockhart Kenjuan.Lockhart@buhsd.org
- Melinda Seymour Melinda.Seymour@buhsd.org
Tonopah Valley High School Accordion Closed
Tonopah Valley High School
School coaches:
- Heather Richardson heather.richardson@smusd90.org
- Jose Pelagio Ayala jose.ayala@smusd90.org
- Liliana Gonzalez lilina.gonzalez@smusd90.org
Youngker High School Accordion Closed
School coaches:
- Denise El Habach Denise.El.Habach@buhsd.org
- Christina Taylor Christina.taylor@buhsd.org