Contact Disability Resources
Note-taker accommodation
Students who are eligible for the Note-Taker Accommodation must register with Disability Resources for the semester they want to use the accommodation, and must also make a request through the Student AXess Portal, for each class they require the accommodation.
Once the student is registered and requests a note-taker for the needed classes, the process for receiving notes is as follows:
- Students are given access to a professional notetaking service. They are set up with a user ID and password, and emailed a link to the service.
- The student will record the lecture using any recording device of their choosing.
- Each lecture recording is uploaded to the students notetaking service account by the student.
- The notetaking service will return a written summary of the lecture within 24 hours. Students are notified via email when the lecture summary is available.
- Students may view the lecture summary online or download a text version to their computer / mobile device.
Directions for requesting a note-taker
- Navigate to the Student Log-in to AXEss link on the Disability Resources homepage.
- On this screen, find and select the icon that says, “Course Notes”.
- You should now see the “Central Authentication Service” site where you will need to login with your NAU username and password.
- Once you are logged-in, find and select “Course/Notes” on the Note-Taking Program main screen.
- On this screen, select the correct term for which you are requesting note-takers using the drop down menu next to “Show Term”.
- Next, in the column labeled “I require a note-taker” select “change this” for each course in which you are requesting a note taker.
- Once you select “change this” a pop up screen will appear asking you to confirm that you are requesting a note taker for the course. Selecting
- “OK” will change the note taker request from “no” to “yes”.
- Next, in the column labeled “note-taker availability” you should see “None available at this time”. This indicates that we are looking for a note taker for your course.
- Once a note taker is selected you will see “selected” under “note-taker availability”.
- Once you are finished make sure you log off the computer. This is an important step to ensure that no one can access your information when you leave the computer.