If you follow any diet or wannabe health pages on social media, you’ll probably see things about how eating less carbs will help you lose weight. Others may talk about what the “good” types of carbs are and which ones to avoid. I’m here to tell you that it’s all just #dietculture nonsense.
There is no reason to fear carbs in any way, shape, or form. They are an essential part of everyone’s diet; even your dog eats carbs.
Here are some reasons why consuming carbs is an important part of everyday life:
1. They are used for quick energy
Once consumed, carbs are broken down and used as energy for immediate tasks, and the excess are stored in your muscles for later use. If you’ve ever tried to go low-carb or no-carb and noticed that you were just fatigued, out of it, and even a little cranky, this is exactly why!
2. They can be a great source of fiber
Whole grains, beans, fruits, and veggies are chock full of carbohydrates, and they are great sources of fiber and other essential nutrients. Fiber helps our bodies in many ways. It keeps things moving along in our gut (yay for regular pooping!), powers our immune system to keep us healthy, and it will also help clean out our bloodstream by removing the bad cholesterol. If you’re trying to avoid carbs, chances are you won’t get enough fiber and that will do more harm than good.
3. Your brain needs them
Our brain is the most energy demanding organ in the body. I mean, it does almost everything for us. The primary source of energy from the brain comes from glucose, which we can only get from carbs! So eating carbs is necessary for proper brain function. This includes complex thinking, learning something in that 8am lecture of yours, and being able to remember all the important things that are going on day-by-day.
4. They just taste good
The thought of giving up pasta, potatoes, and cinnamon rolls altogether just seems miserable. All of these are so enjoyable that it seems like a crime to deprive yourself of what you love. Not to mention the fact that deprivation typically leads to some unplanned binge-fest. Eat what will make you happy and feel fulfilled, not what a personal trainer on Instagram selling their ”Keto Juice” thinks you should eat.
Don’t be scared of carbs. They keep us energized and happy and do wonders for our body-shaped temples. If you’re a little unsure of how to eat your carbs, whole grains whether it’s bread or pastas are an excellent source, along with all the legumes, fruits and veggies you can think of! Sprinkle in some pizza, French fries, and chocolate when cravings hit, because it’s all about what makes you the happiest and healthiest version of yourself.