I’m so over the #quarantine15 on social media. The hyper-focus on body shape and size isn’t helping anyone. It’s hard to see all of these pictures and hashtags being blasted over social media. Have some self-compassion, people. We’re in a freaking pandemic.
I know for myself when I see these photos it makes me feel inadequate and of course start thinking about how I need to change my body. But guess what?! Your body size and shape is not at all associated with your worth! And, there’s a lot more to health than a stupid number on the scale. Be kind to yourself and love your body! This IS possible, even during a pandemic.
Being on social media just leads you on a downward spiral of body shaming. Fill your social media with body positive accounts to remind yourself that your body is beautiful and that we all come in different shapes and sizes.
Quarantining and social distancing are rough, throwing off our usual self-care patterns. Yep, our weight is going to fluctuate, it just is. Add in having to do school online, staring at yourself on Zoom all day, and it’s a recipe for a body-bashing-bananza.
I’m here to tell you that you are not alone in feeling that way. UCAN would love to help you overcome these insecurities and poor body image so you can feel your best during school!
Another way to learn how to move past that Zoom face and feel more comfortable in front of the camera is to join NAU’s Body Positivity Club. It is a club on campus with a pretty simple goal which is to spread body positivity at NAU and within the community.
The club also offers multiple trainings on how to be more body positive so you can apply it to your life and help others. If you would like to join or want to learn more, follow @naubodypositivity2.0 on Instagram!
Navigating life during COVID-19 can be very stressful, which is another thing that can trigger poor body image. Have you ever noticed when you have the most negative self talk? It’s probably when you’re the most stressed out.
Next time you catch yourself saying negative things about your body, stop and think about what else is going on in your life. You are most likely stressed and taking it out on yourself, even if whatever is causing your stress is out of your control. If that’s the case, just take a moment to acknowledge the stress and emotions you are feeling so you can begin to handle them.
Tackle whatever assignments are stressing you out, take a bubble bath, or journal about it instead of bashing your body. Make self care a priority in your life to improve body image. Bring on the stretching break, hikes in nature, and deep breathing exercises. If you need help making that self-care-centered behavior change, sign up for a free initial session with a UCAN Health Coach!