“Health goes beyond our physical body. It is not just about what we put in our bodies or take out of it, it is also about our emotions and how we are feeling spiritually.” – Katherine Hurst
Ever heard of the phrase “opposites attract”?
Have you ever wanted something so bad but see that the harder you think, feel, or work to achieving it, it feels impossible or never going to happen?
Digging deeper into the law of attraction can bring understanding on how much this makes sense.
What is the law of attraction?
Simply put, “the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on.” (http://www.thelawofattraction.com/what-is-the-law-of-attraction/)
So, if you focus on the negative, you will hang out under a dark cloud. If you focus on positive thoughts and positive changes you’d like to make, these are much more likely to come to fruition.
Most haven’t really considered the impact that this has on day to day life. We are like human magnets because the thoughts and emotions we send out into the universe attract more of what we send out.
We have the ability to attract whatever we want into our lives.
You may think this is total bologna…but it’s worth a shot, right? What do you have to lose?
There is no relation to one’s age, nationality, or religious beliefs when it comes to the law of attraction, it is just nature. It is simply you manifesting your conscious mind with the beliefs in yourself.
What does this mean for health?
You may be thinking, “Great! I’ll just think myself into a certain dress size.” Hold the phone. While that may sound like a positive train of thought, the truth is that there are negative thoughts linked to that, such as, “I don’t have this body”, “I would be happier if I had this”, or “I need to eat this to lose weight.”
See, with what you desire there is the emotional intent behind it, and that’s an important part of the equation. So, if there are negative emotions coming from what you want, then it probably won’t align with the law of attraction.
Instead, try switching your mind towards an attitude of gratitude. Focus on having appreciation for your body, the food that you have available to you, and the opportunities you have to be active. Catch body-check comparisons and body-bashing thoughts and replace them with thoughts like:
“I like how exercise makes me feel.”
“I haven’t lost weight, but I have more energy.”
“I am enjoying what I am doing to better myself and my health.”
An alignment is built with the energy you put out along with the energy received from the view and feelings you have for yourself.
How can I actually do this?
Sometimes things are better said than done, but these are some tips that can help attract you to the life you want to live and health you seek to behold.
1. Reaching out
Connect with a friend, or friends, and take time to reflect over what is good in your life and theirs. Acknowledge what is awesome about each other’s lives refraining from any form of judgment or critiques. Just listen. Doing this can build that relationship with your friend as well as seeing the blessings you have in your life that they might not have, simply because you attracted it.
2. Train your brain
Although it may be hard at times, try not to dwell on the negatives and focus on the times that you are positive. Using positive thinking can benefit you with having lower levels of stress and improved immune system responses. Positive thinking will have an overall great impact on your life, physically and mentally.
3. There’s an app for that
There are many apps and systems made to fit to what you like to use. There are apps created related to the law of attraction that can be helpful into working into your life.
- Subliminal: Affirmations. Read and listen to positive affirmations for your life that are provided or create your own. This app also includes meditations. Includes a 30-day free trial.
- Law of Attraction Meditation. This app provides different meditations to tap into your unconscious mind with topics of life and health.