Embracing our differences and appreciating our bodies is the best thing since sliced bread. Bodies are MEANT to be different shapes and sizes.
Fat shaming or skinny shaming, whether it’s coming from others, or yourself, gets in your head and leads to poor self-confidence, body image issues, and disordered eating.
Struggling with accepting your body? Or do you ever catch yourself secretly judging someone else for their body? Let’s stop body shaming together!
Below are ways to help you change your mindset when it comes to your or other’s bodies:
- Follow body positive accounts on social media (check out last weeks blog on the best accounts!).
- Write positive notes about yourself and place them around the house or on mirrors.
- Listen to different podcasts about body acceptance.
- Next time you hear someone start shaming another person’s body stand up and tell them it’s not okay to be doing that and teach them about body acceptance.
- Be kind and supportive to others and their journey of self love.
Hating your body is not only a rough road, mentally, it has been linked to negative physical health outcomes too. Join the body inclusivity movement, which promotes a positive self image. To heck with that outdated mold of what the “ideal” body should look like! What matters most is how you FEEL about yourself.
Living in today’s society can make it hard to love our bodies. We are constantly bombarded with images of what the “ideal” body is. The truth is, there isn’t any “ideal” body; every body is ideal.
Wanna know why?…… BECAUSE IT’S YOURS!!! And, it’s the only one you’ve got.
Society has warped our views of our body to always compare it to the celebrities or models or athletes, when in reality, we should be loving our bodies because they are so incredible and can do so much for us each day. And, here’s the irony – the folks we compare our bodies to are often just as insecure about their bodies as we are!
Be proud of what your body can do today. Love your body, fuel your body, take care of your body and think twice the next time you have something bad to say about your body… is it really your body that’s wrong? Or mainstream society that says it’s wrong? Instead of body shame, shame on society that made you think that way in the first place!