Ugh, New Year’s Resolution season. #notafan. So much pressure to shed weight after the holidays. If you’re feelin’ the pressure to lose weight, it’s probably because of the massive social media ads with silly celebrities endorsing their ridiculous weight loss products.
Companies use resolution season to sell their products. Can you say cha-ching? Weight-loss companies are multi-billion-dollar corporations, with the big bucks to draw you in!
Don’t get fooled. Those companies don’t care about your health. They care about one thing – $$$. And they actually make the most money when we fail because then we come back around for more of their dieting nonsense. No research study has EVER (never ever) actually found that the majority of study participants lost weight and kept the weight off at the 5-year mark. Ever. Almost everyone regains the weight.
Here’s a plan – what if we just stopped? What if we said N-O to the weight loss industry? What if we didn’t get the diet book, the diet pills, their stupid shakes, potions, and meal plans…and instead just ate real food (both nourishing and pleasurable) and found fun ways to move our bodies? The diet industry would lose, big time. And we would win!
It’s time to stand up and say – THIS IS MY BODY!! And it does not have to be a size whatever to be awesome. It already IS awesome. Instead of changing our bodies this year, let’s make a resolution to treat our bodies with love and kindness!
Below are some resources to help you on your anti-diet journey:
- Check out this video. This one really packs a punch. It’s so short, but sends an important message about self-acceptance. If you have a hard time with how your body looks, this one’s for you! ( This is a great analogy for the society that we live in, it is based off of one certain body type and used as the gold standard for health.
- Read a book (or listen to the audio version). If you have ever felt food guilt/shame in the past I would encourage you to read Body Kindness by Rebecca Scritchfield. There is no shame in honoring a craving; your taste buds deserve some love too! Plus, Rebecca covers all the ways we can love ourselves through making small changes that make a big difference in self care.
- Follow body positive people on social media and unfollow the fitness models! Following people who have created an unrealistic standard for the “ideal image” won’t do you any good in the long run. Instead, follow people who have a body positive media feed. Below are some of my favorite body positive Instagrammers: