Does anyone else ever hear the word diet and slightly cringe at the thought? I think it’s probably safe to say that most of us do, simply because the word diet is often associated with restriction and hangry. However, there’s another side to the word diet that doesn’t automatically come with a negative connotation.
What if I told you that diet simply means the foods and drinks that you normally eat on the daily? Doesn’t sound too intimidating, right? Which is why we should ditch the negative associations that come with the word diet and focus on the foods that we love to eat.
It might sound crazy to ditch a diet, because it feels like we are letting all the “bad” foods into our life, but plain and simple, we are just enjoying food. Somehow nutrition and eating has gotten so convoluted that it almost seems as though we’re forgetting the whole purpose of eating: to fuel our bodies and experience joy!
It’s time that we start focusing on giving our body the energy it needs to do the activities we enjoy.
Here are some tips that will help you ditch the diet.
Tip 1: Just eat!
Do you ever crave a cookie mid-bite of your salad? Who says that you can’t have a cookie? Learning to eat the foods you need AND want is important. When it comes to your diet, it shouldn’t always be all work and no play. Try incorporating the foods you enjoy into your daily diet.
Labeling food as “bad” honestly just gets in the way of experiencing a healthy attitude about food. No one has the time or energy for the head game of trying to be the perfect eater all the time.
If you must label a food, how about labeling food into the categories of “nourishing” and “pleasing”. Both types of foods are important. One group satisfies your body’s needs (think vitamins and minerals) and the other group satisfies your taste buds and brings you joy. Both are important for overall health and well-being. Often, meals end up satisfying both categories most of the time (pizza and a salad, anyone?).
Tip 2: Listen to your body.
It honestly amazes me how our bodies tell us what we need, when we need it. Are you feeling thirsty? Your body probably needs water. Did you feel energized after eating that turkey wrap? Your body was thanking you for all the nutrients. Did you feel sluggish after eating a large meal out with friends?
Each eating experience is an opportunity to learn about what FEELS best in your body, and in what quantities. Only you know what foods work well with your body. The key is to be mindful and start tuning into those hunger and fullness cues, allowing those to guide your eating decisions.
Tip 3: Trust yo’self.
You know what foods you love and enjoy eating, so why not give yourself unconditional permission to eat those foods? When you drop all the rules and restrictions, you can truly satisfy your cravings without going overboard. You give yourself the power instead of the cravings. When you give yourself permission for pleasure, you don’t feel as though you have to stuff yourself with your favorite food, because you can always have it again later. Try observing your mood before and after you eat and explore your emotions with self-compassion and curiosity.
Tip 4: Love and accept your genetic blue print.
It’s often body hate that makes dieting so tempting. Where does body hate come from? A constant bombardment of images in the media and social media that try to tell us what beauty looks like. Take good care of your body by feeding it nourishing and pleasing foods and discovering joyful forms of movement, while at the same time pledging to honor and accept the body you were given. There’s nothing wrong with your body – there’s just a lot wrong with our society that tells you there’s something wrong with your body.
Diet doesn’t always have to mean saying goodbye to the foods we love. We can fuel our bodies in a healthy way without having all the limitations that typical fad diets promote. When we ditch the rules and learn how to eat mindfully in response to our body’s cues, we can experience true joy and appreciation for the body we were given. So, let go of the food restrictions and say hello to a diet that can truly make you feel nourished – mind, body, and soul.