You’ve probably seen or heard messages saying “Do more cardio so you can get slim” or “These exercises will grow your glutes!” But how often do you hear about people having fun while they exercise?
Diet culture and gym culture tell us that we need to be a certain size and shape to have value. Many people are motivated to work out because they want to change the way their body looks. They usually force themselves to do exercises that they don’t even enjoy.
Our society also has this idea that exercise only looks like going to the gym and lifting weights, and maybe adding in some cardio. Um, hello, there are so many other ways to move your body!
Physical activity does have many benefits – such as heart health, bone strength, decreased stress, and a boosted mood. But what people often forget is that moving your body can be really fun, and it doesn’t have to look the same as everyone else.
Physical activity can be a great way to connect with your body, and it does not have to include self-shame or negative thoughts about your body. Everybody can enjoy movement, regardless of shape or size or ability.
Let’s talk about some ways you can start moving more joyfully.
1. Remember how you moved as a kid.
Think back to what activities you enjoyed when you were young. Was it swimming at the pool, playing soccer with your friends, or dancing to your favorite music?
Just because we are older does not mean we have to abandon those activities. Give your childhood self some fun by going back to those things you enjoyed.
2. Replace the negative with the positive.
It’s hard to have fun while moving your body when you are criticizing it the whole time. Instead of focusing on the aspects of your body you don’t like, try thinking about all the good things your body does for you.
Your thighs allow you to dance and your belly helps you to laugh. You can also try positive affirmations while you are doing an activity. This can be a reminder that you have value no matter what.
3. Mix it up.
Doing the same activity over and over again can get repetitive and boring. Try adding in new activities or new components to add some excitement to your routine.
Have you tried hot yoga or intramural sports? How about listening to fun music or podcasts while you lift weights?
Spice up your walking routine by inviting a friend, listening to a podcast, pulling out your phone camera to take interesting pics along the way, or just look up and notice beautiful scenery, interesting plants and animals, or funny things that happen in your neighborhood.
There are lots of ways to make physical activity more exciting, it just takes a bit of creativity.
4. Tune into your body.
Listening to what your body is communicating to you is a major component of joyful movement. Take the time to slow down and pay attention to your body. How does it feel? Are you tired or energized? Hungry or full? Do you look forward to physical activity?
Paying attention to these things can help you know what movement would be best for you. As you learn to tune into your body’s needs, make sure to respond to them in a loving way.
5. Expand your view on exercise.
Remember that exercise does not have to be one thing. A restricted view on exercise can be incredibly limiting – and doesn’t allow you to move intuitively.
By expanding your view on exercise, you do not have to feel pressured to move one way. Exercise can include many things like your daily walk to classes or stretching before bed. Don’t limit yourself!
It can take time to shift our perspective on movement, especially because the world tells us how and why it should be done. Surround yourself with people who won’t push that narrative, but will support you and your body.
As you start to move joyfully, physical activity will shift from being a chore to something you look forward to. You will get to know your body in new ways and will probably feel a strong connection to yourself. Plus, you gotta love those endorphins!
Don’t limit yourself or hold yourself back. You are strong and capable!