First off let’s just acknowledge that this whole pandemic situation seems surreal and we are all probably still trying to wrap our heads around it.
On top of that we are figuring out this online school thing. Well, at least we are all in this together so we just need to power through to the end.
Doing online school requires a lot of self-discipline and responsibility. Seeing as we’ve made it this far in life, we’ve already got some of those skills. If you missed last week’s blog post on surviving our new online schooling world, check it out. And here are a few more tips to help keep the ball rolling.
1.Get up and get dressed
It sounds like a simple everyday task but during these times of isolation it’s so easy to stay in your pjs because you really won’t be going anywhere, right? Well, by staying in those snuggly pjs you’re allowing your mind to stay in that same mode. So by keeping a similar routine, like the one you used to do when you went to class, of getting dressed and ready, you can reframe your mind and your day.
2. Don’t do “class” from your bed
Class from your bed sounds so cozy and comfy. I know it’s tempting to just stay in bed in online school world, but the reality it’s not ergonomically ideal. (Hello back pain!) Plus, by getting out of bed and sitting at a desk or table you create a structured study environment. This can help your mind and body create a separation of a place to chill out and a place to grind away at schoolwork.
3. Schedule in your study time
I’m guessing you’ve heard this one before, but it’s really true. It can be useful in trying to motivate yourself to take the time you need to complete your assignments and learn. Before, you may have had an idea of when studying needed to be done and what assignments needed to be turned in. But as the days start to blur because you haven’t left the house it might be a good idea to schedule in specific times to study, along with breaks, and other everyday things you need to accomplish. Google Calendar or a planner could be a useful tool.
4. Stay in touch with your professors
Face-to-face time with professors looks a little different these days. It might have been easier to just drop by during office hours than to schedule a video chat. Don’t let the technology barrier discourage you from reaching out to your professors to ask questions or to get some advice about your future career. It’s important to your learning that you get the most out of what your professors have to offer, plus they are there for you. And, you never know when you might need them as a reference.
5. De-stress
Looking at this whole situation in multiple aspects, not just school, IT IS overwhelming. This is where stress management needs to be prioritized. Whether that be going for a (social-distancing acceptable) nature walk, maintaining exercise, gratitude journaling, talking to someone who makes you laugh, or meditating, it’s important to schedule in moments to take care of your mental well-being. Study hard but don’t forget to take breaks and give your eyes a rest from the screens.
Remember you’ve made it this far and the finish line is almost there. Don’t get discouraged if today doesn’t go as planned and you may have over procrastinated, just make an adjustment and try again tomorrow. We will make it through this.
Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. – John Wooden