Getting started
Sponsored Projects
What is a sponsored project? At NAU, sponsored projects include all extramurally funded research, instruction, service, or scholarly activity binding the University to a defined scope of work of a set of objectives that provides a basis for sponsor expectations. Who can be a sponsor?
To learn more, review the NAU Sponsored Project Basics page.
Eligibility to serve as Principal Investigator or Project Director
When Principal Investigators (PIs) and Project Directors (PDs) seek and secure extramural funding for project proposals, the PI/PD assumes primary responsibility for the project for the entire life of the award. Because PIs/PDs hold this significant responsibility, the university must ensure that individuals serving in this capacity have the appropriate knowledge, experience, and other competencies. Review the eligibility policy.
Non-Governmental funding: Working with the NAU Foundation and the Office of Sponsored Projects
Gift vs. Grant guidelines describe the difference between two types of sponsored project support from private, non-government sources – exchange transactions and charitable support – and how this support is secured and administered at the university. View the Gift vs. Grant guidelines.