Visit the Flagstaff Local website to take the pledge and learn more about how you can support the Flagstaff community.
Community Resources
City of Flagstaff Accordion Closed
The City of Flagstaff provides information on being a good neighbor, living in Flagstaff, services and resources, and waste and disposal services.
Downtown Flagstaff Accordion Closed
Downtown Flagstaff is the hub for activities and offers an authentic experience for everyone. With endless options for dining, shopping, lodging, events and entertainment, you’re sure to find something you love!
Emergency Management Accordion Closed
Emergency Notification provides alerts for emergencies in your area. Sign up your phone number, email, and/or your home phone.
Events Calendar Accordion Closed
Find local events for the upcoming week with Flagstaff 365 Happenings!
Flagstaff Local Accordion Closed
Flagstaff Local encourages and celebrates residents that choose to shop Flagstaff, volunteer, be eco-friendly, donate, support education, mentor, and vote. By taking part, you are connecting what you love about Flagstaff and living here, with your everyday actions.
Outdoors & Nature Accordion Closed
Flagstaff is a year-round playground with stunning scenery and unique opportunities to experience the outdoors.