Purchasing Card
In order to obtain a Purchasing Card, a Cardholder Account Application form must be submitted to Contracts, Purchasing, and Risk Management. Upon receipt of the application, Contracts, Purchasing, and Risk Management will enroll the applicant in the required on-line training course for Cardholders, also known as Reconcilers, and notify you via e-mail that you are enrolled. The on-line training course can be accessed by typing https://nau.lms into your browser. Reconcilers must pass the course with 100% in order to have the application processed.
Approvers must submit an Approver Agreement and pass both the Reconciler and Approver on-line training courses with a score of 100% for each course. The on-line training course can be accessed by typing https://nau.lms into your browser.
Purchasing Card Policy Manual
PeopleSoft Training Guide
Post Payment and Billing Cycle Dates
Reconciliations: How to maintain effective processes and procedures