Quick Links
- What is a Business Analyst?
- Request for Help!
- Team Stats
- Glossary of Terms
- Meet the Team
- Register a Compliment
...Fantastic job to you, [Meg], for all you do. I interact with some of the peoplesoft developers and I need you to know having a BA who does research, writes clear specs, etc makes a WORLD of difference and you are very best at it that I have ever seen? The testing guidelines were also fantastic. So in summary I think you are one of the top BA's I've ever worked with. - Lela M.
What is a Business Analyst?
Business analysts engage with business leaders and users to understand how data-driven changes to processes, products, services and applications can improve efficiencies and add value. BA’s must articulate those ideas but also balance them against what’s technologically feasible and financially and functionally reasonable.
What we do! Accordion Open
- Business process implementation or review, modeling and documentation
- Recommendations for change, improvement, transformation or innovation
- System review, configuration, documentation and training
- Software and application implementation and support
- Academic Affairs representation for cross-divisional projects
- Project management, project initiation and scoping
- Provide testing resources and guidance
- Vetting for policy, structure, or organizational shifts
- Elicitation and review of business needs
Who we support! Accordion Closed
- Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
- Vice Provost for Teaching, Learning, Design and Assessment
- Vice Provost for Academic Personnel
- Academic Departments
- Associate Vice President for the Center for International Education
Operations and Applications Accordion Closed
- Academic Advisement Report
- Academic Catalog
- Academic Policy Portal
- Academic Program Application
- Academic Structure
- Action Center
- Advisor Assignments
- Advisor Self Service
- Civitas Courses
- CommGen
- Course Capacity Reporting
- Course Catalog
- Daily Enrollment Dashboard
- English Placement Tools
- Enrollment
- F2S
- Faculty Self Service
- Forms Assembly
- Grading
- Graduation
- Group Wrangler
- JacksPlanner
- Jacks Scheduler
- Math Placement Tools
- Canvas
- National Student Clearinghouse
- NAU Appointment Planner
- NAU Student Advisor Assignments
- PeopleSoft Student Records Module
- PeopleSoft Advising Module
- Program/Plan
- Progression Plans
- Readmission
- Reverse Transfer Reporting
- Schedule of Classes
- Service Indicators
- Student Groups
- Student Learning Outcomes
- Study Agreements
- Sunapsis
- Term Activation
- Term/Calendar Setup
- Terra Dotta
- Transcripts
- University Advising
- WUE/Pledge