Contact Information
On-Demand Professional Development Resources
A wealth of high-quality professional development is available at no charge to Northern Arizona University faculty and staff. Explore these higher education professional development opportunities available to you. Some resources provided by NAU will require you to enroll using your NAU email address.
Academic Impressions Membership Accordion Closed
Academic Impressions offers professional and leadership development for faculty, staff, and administrators in Higher Education. Create a free account using your NAU email address.
College Teaching Journal Accordion Closed
College Teaching is a cross-disciplinary journal that focuses on how teachers can improve student learning. Find online through a Cline Library search.
The Chronicle of Higher Education Accordion Closed
The Chronicle offers insight into critical issues and the actionable analysis you may want to read about. Set up your free NAU account using your NAU email address.
Educause Accordion Closed
The Educause mission is to advance the strategic use of technology and data to further the promise of higher education. Sign up for your free NAU membership to access the tools and resources.
Faculty Focus Newsletter Accordion Closed
Faculty Focus and the Teaching Professor Blog provide brief articles on teaching topics written by faculty from across the country. This is a free subscription.
K Patricia Cross Academy Accordion Closed
The K Patricia Cross Academy provides free teaching techniques for higher education focused on helping your students learn and retain new knowledge and skills.
Monday Morning Mentor Webinars Accordion Closed
The TLC sends a weekly Monday email to all faculty that provides access to the Magna 20-minute teaching and learning webinar. Topics include classroom management, grading, and feedback, course design, student engagement, online course management, technology in online courses, and many other topics.
NCFDD Accordion Closed
Set up your NCFDD membership. The NCFDD is a nationally known, independent faculty development center dedicated to boosting the productivity of academics, supporting successful career transitions, and improving job satisfaction and well-being. Activating your NCFDD account is an easy, straightforward process. Simply click on the “Activate My Membership” button, enter your institutional email, and follow the instructions.
OneHe Accordion Closed
OneHE offers both free and fee-based courses to assist educators in developing their teaching practice by providing practical and engaging microlearning on effective teaching.
Teaching Professor Journal Accordion Closed
The Teaching Professor provides ideas, insights, and best pedagogical practices to educators who are passionate about teaching. Published 10 times per year. Find online through a Cline Library search.
Top Hat Events Accordion Closed
Top Hat offers free live and pre-recorded webinars to empower educators to deliver inclusive, engaging, and meaningful learning in every course. These webinars are presented by acclaimed educators, authors, and faculty.
Udemy Learning Platform Accordion Closed
All Faculty, Staff, and Students have free access to a vast on-demand learning library through our partners at Udemy. Thousands of classes for both professional and personal development. Easy access, anytime that works in your schedule! Create your account using your NAU email address at Udemy.
UDL on Campus Accordion Closed
Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education, free resources and webinars provided by CAST.ORG.
Teaching in Higher Ed Accordion Closed
Teaching in Higher Ed with Bonnie Stachowiak produces a weekly podcast, blog posts and recommendations to help you be more effective at facilitating learning.
Tea for Teaching Accordion Closed
The Tea for Teaching podcast is a series of informal discussions of innovative and effective practices in teaching and learning. This podcast series is hosted by John Kane (an economist) and Rebecca Mushtare (a graphic designer). John and Rebecca run the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching at the State University of New York at Oswego.
Open Access Journals
Journal of Online Learning and Teaching Accordion Closed
Journal of Online Learning and Teaching is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication that aims to promote scholarship in the use of the Internet and web-based multimedia resources in higher education.
Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice Accordion Closed
The Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice is a bi-annual, peer-reviewed journal. It aims to provide a forum for educators in a wide range of disciplines to communicate their teaching outcomes in a scholarly way. Its purpose is to bridge the gap between journals covering purely academic research and more pragmatic articles and opinions.
International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Accordion Closed
The IJ-So TL is a peer-reviewed international electronic journal published twice a year by the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship at Georgia Southern University. It is a vehicle for articles, essays, and discussions about the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and its applications in higher education.
The International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Accordion Closed
This journal provides a forum for higher education faculty, staff, administrators, researchers, and students who are interested in improving post-secondary instruction. The journal covers higher education pedagogy and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) across diverse content areas, institutions, and levels of experience.
Practice and Evidence of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Accordion Closed
This journal offers an opportunity for those involved in university learning and teaching to share their experiences. The journal publishes accounts of scholarly practice focused on enhancing student learning. These accounts report on small-scale research that involves reflection, critique, and implications for future practice and are informed by relevant literature.
Student Success Accordion Closed
This journal focuses on enhancing the experience of commencing students. Academic and professional staff involved in first-year programs, as well as senior managers with responsibility for first-year strategies, may find it useful.
Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal Accordion Closed
This peer-reviewed online journal “facilitates the multi-disciplinary intellectual debate and inquiry, exchange of ideas, actions, and results of innovative and professional practice in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.”