Submit a Quality Control Ticket Use this form to submit a Quality Control ticket for a finished job. Name * Required First Last Email * Required Phone * RequiredDepartment * Required Invoice # * Required Number of Pieces Effected * Required Category * RequiredCoating IssueColor IssueCutting IssueHave not received my jobIncorrect/Missing BinderyIssue with my die cutJob Rotated incorrectlyLost jobMissing ImagesPrinted with low resolutionShort QuantitySpots on my JobDamaged in TransitOtherAre you requesting a reprint? * RequiredYes, pleaseNo, thank you (just FYI)No, I would like to explore a creditPlease describe your other issue. * Required Description of Issue * RequiredPhotos (Optional) Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, zip, Max. file size: 20 MB. CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.