Hey! We have a few weeks left in the semester, and we get how stressful that can be!
Whether you’re studying for finals or just looking for ways to organize your life a bit better, here is a tip on how to stay on top of what you need to do to survive: P R I O R I T Z E.
It sound super easy right? Sometimes it’s a lot harder than it sounds for some, but don’t worry! Here are some smaller steps to help you get started:
Imagine that you have this wonderful jar that basically symbolizes your day: All 24 hours. You also have these “rocks.” Big rocks symbolize the bigger projects, the ones that do need to be done soon, and the ones that may take a little more time to do. For example, I have 2 exams to study for, and an essay that is due on Monday night. That’s three big rocks in total!
On the other hand, you may also have some “little rocks,” these are considered as tasks that can be done in less than 45 minutes. It can be anything to taking out the trash, getting coffee with a friend, or going for a quick workout. These are the ones that you can fit into your day.
Now whenever you have a busy day, and you’re pretty overwhelmed by how much you have to do, break your tasks into chunks! See how much you can actually fit in 24 hours. It can include anything from sleeping, eating, to studying, or doing a project. Understand that that is how much you can get done, if some tasks cannot be done that particular day, it’s alright to move it to the next day! You don’t actually need rocks and a jar, but you can simply write it out.
For a detailed explanation, click here!