Many of us were often told that if we worked hard enough, then our efforts would come through eventually. One day, we’d be recognized and reap all the rewards that we deserve through our own blood, sweat, and tears. What hasn’t been taught is to really understand how to overcome those times when we feel like our hard work isn’t coming through.
Here are some ways to overcome failure and stay persistent:
Talk It Out With Someone That Supports You
Talking about the situation and how it made you feel can definitely lessen the stress and pressure of “having everything together.” It’s perfectly fine to not have everything together. You’re only human. Becoming aware of these feelings can help you get started on how to make a plan to get better.
Continue to Challenge Yourself
Whenever you feel “stuck” in a rut, and it seems like you can’t really pull yourself out of it. Push yourself to a degree that’s doable and still more than you normally do. Can’t go to the gym 4 times a week, but want a healthier lifestyle? Start off once a week. Want a better grade in class? Study for at least 30 minutes or more. You definitely want to start off with a plan embedded with little goals to help you get there. Continue to bump up the amount of what you’re doing bit-by-bit once it starts feeling comfortable.
Reward Yourself
Great! So you’ve started going to the gym 3 times a week, and you’re able to sit down and study for a class for at least 45 minutes to an hour every other day. You’ve got an A in your recent exam, or perhaps you’ve lost 5 lbs. Reward yourself healthily when you reach those goals. It’s alright to indulge in something for a little bit, but don’t forget to make sure that those activities help you relax enough, so that when it’s time to work you’re ready to go back at it.
Remember that you’re only human and that while there are still many things that could bring you down, you can always find ways to bounce back from it.