YouTuber of the Week: Jenna Marbles
Jenna Marbles is 31 years-old. She was born in New York City. Her real name is Jenna Mourey, but picked Marbles so people would have a harder time finder out her personal information.
Jenna Marbles has been on YouTube for almost 10 years. She created her account in 2006 and released her first video in 2008. She has over 17 million subscribers.
Jenna is known for her outrageous videos. She has done videos that include: bleaching her eyebrows, gluing jewels to her face, dyeing her hair, and my personal favorite, drunk makeup tutorial. She is also very well-known for loving her dogs: Marbles, Kermit and Peach (who is actually her boyfriend, Julien’s dog) and they often feature in her videos.
Aubrey S.