Now that Thanksgiving is over and we are all stuffed with that delicious meal, I know leftovers are calling my name! But as I promised we have our post holiday workout on this lovely Wellness Wednesday to help us burn those delicious calories!
Check out some of the foods you may have eaten during this holiday time, and its paired exercise!
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YouTuber of the Week – Zoella
YouTuber of the Week: Zoe Sugg a.k.a. Zoella
Zoella is a British YouTuber with over 12 Million Subscribers. She has been on YouTube for 10 years. She makes beauty videos and vlogs (video blogs). She does some make-up tutorials and some fashion videos.
Zoella has written three books about her life and experiences on YouTube. They were called Girl Online, Girl Online: On Tour, and Girl Online: Going Solo.
She also launched a beauty line in 2014 called Zoella Beauty.
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Shake Your Turkey Feathers
With Thanksgiving right around the corner 11/23, I figured we could all use a little pre-(meal) workout…stayed turned for the Turkey buster blog on how to work off all that delicious food.
Follow this awesome workout for the next few days in preparation for an amazing Thanksgiving dinner without feeling guilty!
The building blocks for building and burning
Creating realistic goals is very healthy and can push you to the next level in your fitness routine. Giving yourself a solid date can be the best thing. Having a limited amount of time does not give you the excuse of “I’ll start tomorrow.” Most people want to build more muscle or reduce body fat, which are great goals to have. Most people are good about getting to the gym, but muscle and abs, as you may have heard, are… Read more
Study Area of the Week: NAU Science & Health Building
Study Area of the Week: NAU Science & Health Building
NAU’s Science & Health Building (SHB) is home to many Science classes and labs. With five floors of classrooms, laboratories, and faculty offices, you can also find studying areas with some amazing views.

Mentee Recap: Lava Tubes
Mentee Recap: Lava Tubes
Check out this awesome recap from one of our wonderful mentees, Madison Fernandez!