NSF Sexual Harassment Reporting Process
Northern Arizona University (NAU)
Document process for internal notifications and reporting to the National Science Foundation (NSF) for compliance with the NSF Harassment terms and conditions.
NAU’s Equity and Access Office (EAO) page, which includes links to the Title IX page and how to file a complaint with EAO.
NAU’s Safe Working and Learning Environment Policy (Anti-harassment and Discrimination Policy)
NSF released its new terms and conditions on Friday, September 21, 2018
NSF Sexual Harassment Reporting Form
Departments involved
Equity and Access Office (EAO)
HR-Employee Relations (in coordination w/EAO)
Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP)
Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR)
1. By the 15th of each month, OVPR/OSP will provide a monthly report of all new NSF awards and subawards received the previous month. OSP will send the report to Equity and Access per the individuals referenced above. EquityandAccess@nau.edu . The report will identify:
- The names of Principal Investigators (PIs) and Co-Investigators (Co-PI).
- Sponsor Agency (NSF)
- OSP Project ID (via PeopleSoft)
2. EAO will review the OVPR/OSP prepared reports, cross check the names of PIs and Co-PIs referenced in the report with the names of individual(s) who have been placed on administrative leave for possible violation of NAU’s harassment policy, or have been found to violate NAU’s discrimination/harassment policies, and notify OSP via OSP-NSF_Reporting@nau.edu.
3. For any individual(s) identified, OSP will reconfirm role of identified individual(s) on NSF funded project (directly or via subaward) as a PI or Co-PI (and if the reporting term/condition applies to any of the individual’s NSF awards).
- If Yes, then OSP notifies EAO about the reportable item(s)
- If No, then OSP notifies EAO that no further action needs to be taken.
4. For items to be reported
- EAO will provide information to OSP for completion of “Explanation/Description of Events”
- OSP will complete the NSF Organization Notification form and submit to NSF.
5. OSP will log reportable items and save screen shot of initial submission and any subsequent correspondence received from NSF.
1 This process assumes OSP will remain the Authorize Organizational Representative (AOR). Reporting is required by the institution’s AOR per the NSF award terms and condition