Salt River Project

Publications & reports
A summary of past WREP-funded activities and project outcomes can be found here: WREP Funded Activities.
Journal articles
- Mueller et al., 2013. Estimating the value of watershed services following forest restoration. Download.
Master’s thesis projects
- Clint Wyatt, 2013. Estimating aquifer response following forest restoration and climate change along the Mogollon Rim, northern Arizona. Download.
- Robert Ross, 2011. One-dimensional hydraulic model of Verde River near Camp Verde, Arizona including irrigation ditch discharge. Download.
- Cory Miller, 2007. Analysis of Current and Historical Surface Flows and Hydrologic Response to Restoration Treatments in the Upper Lake Mary Watershed. Download.
- Nathan Schott, 2007. Designing and Implementing a Long-Term Monitoring Plan for a Dam Decommissioning at Fossil Creek. Download.
- Daniel Timmons, 2007. Ground Water Modeling and Multiple Scenario Analysis: Prescott Active Management Area, Yavapai County. Download.
- Amanda Cronin, 2005. Tribal Participation in Collaborative Watershed Management. Download.
- Stephen Flora, 2004. Hydrogeological Characterization and Discharge Variability of Springs in the Middle Verde Watershed. Download.
- Charles Jones, 2003. Predicting Cattail Responses to Re-Watering of a Travertine Stream: Decommissioning the Fossil Springs Dam. Download.
- Luis Navarro, 2002. Characterization and Ground-Water Flow Modeling of the Mint Wash/Williamson Valley Area, Yavapai County. Download.
Directed research project reports
- Healy, 2013. Endocrine Disruption Compounds in the Verde River; Androgenic or Estrogenic? Download.
- Froyland, 2012. Effects of an elevation gradient on evapo-sublimation in the San Francisco Peaks. Download.
- Skinner, 2012. Flagstaff flood discharge analysis. Download.
- Swaffar, 2012. Building an Economically and Ecologically Sustainable Restoration and Monitoring Plan for Forested Watersheds in Northern Arizona. Download.
Internship reports
- Natalie Coston, 2010. Statistical Examination of Water Data in the Colorado Plateau for use as Sustainability Indicators. Download.